Chapter 42

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I really didn't want to make a habit of passing out in front of large groups of people, and yet it was the second time within mere days that I had passed out into another person's arms. On both occasions, it wasn't as if I made the choice for my vision to go dark and fall into unconsciousness. Exhaustion and losing a lot of blood will do that to you, however, that didn't make it any less embarrassing.

I woke up to the familiar scent of my bedroom. A fire crackled merrily in the fireplace and somebody was humming off to my side. I knew who it was immediately; I would recognise Shoto even if I were shrouded in darkness and all of the light had been robbed from the world. His voice was engraved deeply into my mind, constantly playing on loop. His scent of smoky fires and freshly fallen snow bit at my nose, I could never forget it, even if I lived ten thousand years. Everything about Shoto was recognisable without sight. I never thought I would be so attached to one person, and yet there I was, able to recognise Shoto without even opening my eyes. As I had said before, being so close to Shoto was a weakness. I would do anything to ensure that Shoto was safe, even if he could aptly protect himself, I would fly to the ends of the Earth for him. He was a liability. But... I wouldn't have it any other way.

Shoto brought me happiness and genuine love. My tribe loved me unconditionally, but it wasn't the same love as Shoto's. They saw me as their brother. I was like their older brother who scolded them when they did something wrong, like a poor substitute for the parents we had lost. But the love I held for Shoto and Shoto held for me was pure and unconditional romance. We were connected at the soul (that was the whole point of destined, after all), there was nobody I would rather be with than Shoto, and that idea scared me. But I had always stood up to my fears, ploughing into battle headfirst, so I did the same with my relationship with Shoto.

I groaned as the sharp mid-day light struck my eyes. Whose idea had it been not to close the fucking curtain? It seemed like common sense. The bed moved ever so slightly as Shoto sat beside me. A shadow blocked out the light from the sun, it took a second for my eyes to adjust and recognise that Shoto was leaning over me with a look of deep concern in his eyes.

"Katsuki? Are you ok?" Shoto asked, his usually monotonous voice had a concerned lilt to it, but it was barely discernable, the man had the emotional range of a teaspoon, yet somehow I loved him.

"Tch. I'm fine shit head. Help me sit up, and close that curtain, the light's fucking blinding!" I grumbled with a scowl. Shoto, seeing that I had just as much attitude as I had before, smiled ever so slightly at me as he shuffled off of the bed and walked over to the wide-open curtains which swayed hypnotically in the light breeze.

"I'm glad that you're just as passionate as ever, Katsuki." Shoto hummed, "We were all really worried about you when you passed out."

"How long have I been asleep for? What's happened? How many people have died? Is everyone safe?" I asked the questions rapidly, now that my mind was beginning to get less foggy, my concerns skyrocketed. Despite the agonising pain which surged through my abdomen I tried to roll out of bed and stumble to the bedroom door. However, in my weakened state, it really wasn't hard for Shoto to catch me and haul me back to bed.

"Nope. There's no need for that." Shoto huffed, "Everything is fine, Katsuki, you need to stay in bed so that you don't reopen your wounds. I'll answer any questions you have, just stay still."

Despite my healing wounds, I could still put up a fight, I tried to twist out of Shoto's grip, gritting my teeth in pain as I did so. Shoto was having none of it. Whilst he didn't look particularly muscular, Shoto could lift a fair bit. So, of course, he felt the need to lift me from the floor and put me over his shoulder so that he could dump me on my bed.

Travel The Distanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें