Chapter 7

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*Katsuki's POV*

We arrived at the north-west area of the Endeavour Kingdom at midday the next day. It sometimes amazed me just how big the kingdom was. The north-west area of the kingdom was tiny in comparison, but it was enough to start my plan. I wasn't a very patient person, but it was worth the wait to see my plan come to fruition, no matter how long it took. We touched down at the base of some mountains. There was a guardhouse which looked as if it had been cleared out, but I knew that the guards were still lurking around somewhere. I would just let my idiots deal with them, they wanted to fight anyway. The guardhouse was at the edge of a village which had a population of roughly 500 people. I knew from the flight over the land which I could now call mine that the rest of the villages were all in the general vicinity. "Wow, dude, I can't believe you actually got some of that old farts land." Sero laughed slightly. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the mountainside, I could envision my castle built into its side. I smirked slightly at the thought. I could hardly call land with only around 2000 people a kingdom, but I planned on expanding. Something about the north-west just drew me in.

"Hello, how may we help you?" a nervous voice asked from behind my group. I turned around and saw a well built blond man with a thick tail wrapped around him walking towards us nervously. Behind him, there was a small group of people. A short girl with the tip of her tongue hanging out and impossibly long emerald hair and what appeared to just be a bunch of floating clothes.  "Oh my gosh! Look at his tail, do you think he'll let me touch it?" Dunce Face attempted to whisper. The bastard couldn't speak any lower than a shout if he fucking tried. It was pathetic. "Shut the fuck up Dunce Face! How would you feel if someone asked to feel your tail?" I barked at the idiot. Denki lowered his head slightly in embarrassment and rubbed his back slightly, exactly in the place his tail would be if he was partially transformed. I turned to the gathering crowd and pulled out the scroll given to me by King Dickhead, "Your 'King' gave me the entire north-west region of his Kingdom 'cause I threatened to kill the princes if he didn't." I said bluntly, showing the crowd the contents of the scroll and the clear royal seal at the bottom. "That explains why the guards left their post, kero." the frog-like girl croaked, scrutinising the paper closely before stepping back and nodding to her fellow villagers. Several people looked very on edge like they wanted to leap forwards and tackled me to the ground. I tended to have that effect on people. I naturally looked very aggressive (unlike my crew of cinnamon buns. Bar Sero, Tokoyami and Jiro. The other three imbeciles acted and looked so innocent until they meant business). I surveyed the assembled crowd and dictated that they were by no means weak, just looking at them I could tell that most people in the north-west region seemed to have magic which was less of an emitter but more mutation-based. Like Kyoka or Hanta. They could all put up a decent fight, but I would ultimately come out on top.

"Look, I'm not gonna come in here and start giving you orders. I'm not going to kill any of you unless it's absolutely necessary. Of course, by that I mean if you attack me and don't concede when I tell you to. Other than that, I don't plan on laying a single finger on you or any of the other villages in the surrounding area." I huffed tiredly. The looks of fear I was receiving were fucking annoying. I looked up at the mountain again when suddenly a horrid pain flashed through my head, causing me to clutch it in pain.

 An image of a hidden castle in the mountains flashed in my eyes. I saw a castle surrounded by dragons. The sun was beating down onto their scales as they lounged or flew around. Some humans with dragon-like characteristics were weaving in and out of the hulking beasts legs. The air was full of joy and a festive spirit. Then all of the dragons and dragon men were gone. The rocks were barren and the sky was grey with oncoming rain clouds. "We're home." My dragon rumbled in my head. I blinked in confusion and looked at the mountain once more, the castle was slowly being swallowed by the mountain. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The original Dragon King resided here. Our kind lived here for thousands of years before we were forced out 400 years ago. We adopted a nomadic lifestyle. It is your destiny to take the throne once again and unite the dragon people and the humans." my dragon, Ground Zero, growled. I was thrust out of my vision and my brief history lesson back to the present before I could ask anything more. 

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