Some time later,they pulled apart at the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Groaning,Blake made his way to the door as Lizzy fanned her hot and flushed cheeks with her hands.

He walked in with a trolley of exotic food .

"The motel management was kind enough to send us these" he spoke.

She headed to the trolley to pick up a fruit cake and bit into it groaning in explicit pleasure as the tastes exploded in her mouth.

Blake had to rein in himself as he watched Lizzy bite into the cake and lick her lips,groaning in pleasure,he felt his pants become tighter and the room hotter.pulling his tie off,he exited the room in a flurry of grunts  and displeasure.

After dinner,the pair showered and they headed off to bed to sleep of the tumults of a long day ahead.

   In separate rooms much to his disappointment.

                  🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸

At the crack of dawn,Lizzy was up and about.Maybe because it felt like a totally different environment so she found it hard to sleep in.

She busied herself with making coffee.The time on her phone read 1:34am.

Now she wasn't going back to sleep,she had to find something else to do .

"I didn't think you would be up so early"

She turned startled.It was Blake in a sweatshirt and some jogger pants.

"Good morning to you too". She replied staring at his gruff exterior,she must have woken him up.

" why don't you just go back to sleep.I was just getting some coffee."she held up the already done cup of coffee up in explanation.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand

"By the looks of it,you didn't get any sleep either" he affirmed.

She nodded guiltily.

"Sorry" she apologized.

"For what?" He asked incredulously.

"For waking you up" she answered.

He waved a hand to show its unimportance.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" He inquired.

"I find it hard to sleep in a different environment" she shook her head and explained.

He pursed his lips thoughtfully then asked

"Why don't you come sleep in my  room?" He offered.

She shook her head vehemently and replied
"Thank you but I think we'll both get better sleep when we are apart"

He chuckled.

Then drawing closer to her,he held her chin and bent his head to stare straight into her eyes

"Nothing ,that you don't want will ever happen"

She felt her cheeks change hue and his her head down in embarrassment.

He chuckled at her shyness.

Raising her head yo with his finger,he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead,her nose and then her lips,lingering for a moment there.

He pulls her in for a hug,taking the cup of coffee and placing back on the table untouched.

He breathed in her gentle scent of strawberries scented shampoo and reveled in the softness and smoothness of her hair.

Lizzy felt the tenderness in his voice as he ushered her towards his room.

"let's go to bed."

                🌸  🌸  🌸  🌸

Late in the morning,the blaring sound of his alarm startled them out of their sleep.

Lizzy got IP first,pulling away from his grasp with much protest from Blake.

She giggled at his bedside humor.

"Come on,we have to get up or we'll be late for the meeting" she informed him,dragging the duvet from around his body.

He groaned.

"Am the boss they can wait a little longer.Just come back to bed"

He begged.

"Now what does that say about you?...

She placed both her hands on her hips and glared at him.

Defeated,he sighed and got out of bed,pouncing on her.

She giggled,but struggled to get him off.she could feel something hard against her thigh.

" get off"she giggled.

"Not before I get my morning kiss".he commanded.

Trying to kiss her but she kept moving her head away.

When he thought he finally won because she stopped moving, he triumphantly smiled and brought his lips down on hers.

Only for her to shrug him off a second his lips would connect with hers.She laughed at him and   raced out of the room.

She landed on the bed with a 'thumph' and groaned in frustration,running his hands in his hair in a zig-zag motion.

    Later that morning...
Lizzy was nestled beside the coffee table drinking her share of morning coffee.

Blake got out of his bedroom and scowled when he saw her there giggling into her coffee cup.

He was still fuming about this morning.

He took the coffee Lizzy offered to him and gulped its contents down In a hurry.

Lizzy stood there shocked and concerned for his throat.

She stared helplessly.

" what?"he asked annoyed.

Lizzy ran her hand down her throat in pain and gulped loudly.

"Doesn't it hurt? The coffee was hot" she asked.

He paused thinking

"No." He replied.

"Let's go.The driver is here to pick is up" he ordered and exited not minding to wait for her.

"Yes,we are on our way as we speak.You can afford to wait a few extra minutes. " He ended the call.

"Who was that?" Lizzy inquired.

"Marco,we are meeting him today" he explained.

She nodded in understanding.

They were being driven in a chauffeur driven car.

Blake's attention kept straying to the beautiful woman perched on the window pane like a child admiring new sights gleefully.

He shook away the thoughts,astounded as to how much he had changed in just a short time of meeting this woman.

They pulled up at there destination some minutes later.
The vast building looked opulent to this surroundings.

Lizzy smoothed the creases in her black knee length high waisted skirt.In a vintage, flowery copper blouse she looked as business like as she could afford with her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

Blake had offered to buy her new clothes,which she had declined but sooner or later she knew he would have his way.


   To be continued...

TENDING TO THE STORMOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora