Secrets (Elena Alvarez X Reader) Pt.1

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REQUEST: The reader comes out to her conservative parents as a lesbian. Her mom is super supportive but her dad doesn't approve he does something to her like slaps and other things and kicks her out so the reader runs to Elena's house in the pouring rain. I'll leave the rest to you

PROMPT: Elena's keeping Y/n hid in her closet.

A/N: This is a Lil different than what was originally asked, but hopefully it isn't hated.

Also, AU that Elena came out to her family earlier than in 

Elena quietly walked back into her bedroom. A small plate of snacks in one hand and a bottle of water in the other hand for her girlfriend. As she walked back in, she couldn't help but notice her reddened and puffy eyes from sobbing for almost an hour at this point.

"Are you alright?"Elena asks.

"Oh yeah," Y/m wipes the tears away from her eyes, "I'm homeless. Have no place to go and I'm living with my girlfriend without any of her family knowing. I'm living the dream." Elena raises her hands in defeat, "I'm sorry. Thanks for the food."

"I know it's not much, but mom would, and Abuelita would notice bigger things that go missing."

"Trust me, babe. I'm grateful; for everything you're even doing for me."


Y/n, without the knowledge of the Alvarez family, had been staying with Elena. Every night after the other members of her family went to bed, she'd climb up the fire escape and make her way into Elena's bedroom. For once the two decided to go about it the right way.

"Mom, can Y/n stay the night?" Elena asks.

"I'm sorry, Honey," Penelope apologized, "I just have to throw a sad party for an even sadder man." 

"No worries, Ms. Alvares. I'll go get my things." Y/n says.

"Why can't Y/n just stay for the stupid party and sleep on the couch after?" Elena inquires.

"Elena, it's alright." Y/n pulls her girlfriend in for a tight hug, "Don't worry about me." Elena wraps her arms around her even tighter, "I'll sneak back in," she whispers, "And I'll be fine."


As Y/n walked out of Elena's room she heard the end of Penelope and Elena's squabble.

"She can't go home!" Elena barked sharply at her mother. Penelope and Y/n stood in shocked silence at the outburst, "Just let her stay. Please."

"It's fine, babe." Y/n kissed Elena on the cheek, "Sorry, Ms. Alvarez. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"Y/n, you're not any trouble. The trouble is on its way here. It's dark, do you need a ride home?"

"I'll be fine. My bike is downstairs." Y/n knew that given the chance, Penelope would've forced a ride on Y/n, as much as it hurt her to lie again, she had to. This time, Elena pulled Y/n in for a firm hug.

"Call me when you get the chance."

"I'll call you."

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you, Elena."


Y/n found herself sitting next to the wall of a small 7-Eleven, eating her 'dinner' of a hot dog and slushie. Her little 'treat' before sneaking back off into the Alvarez household. Next to her, her extremely recent disconnected cell phone was charging. She went to message Elena when a pair of feet step into her view.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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