Cat Burgler (Maze Smith x Reader)

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REQUEST: I love your writing will you do a Mazikeen x reader where you're like a famous jewel thief/escape artist and there's a huge bounty on you but at first Maze has a hard time catching you and it turns into a game and the two of you are always flirting with each other please

WARNINGS: Drinking, mild cursing

Y/n sat in the bar, at her hotel. Dawned in a short long sleeved sequin dress/ a pair of black slacks and a long sleeved white button up with the sleeves pulled up. Occasionally, she'd look around wondering when her unknown guest would appear.

"Excuse me." she calmly called . The black haired female bartender walked over to her. "Can I get a beer?" the bartender nods before walking off and coming back with her drink. "Thank you." Y/n had managed to get through most of her drink before she saw the woman of the hour. Mazikeen. The bounty hunter who was tasked with finding her, and months after trying, she failed.

That isn't to say neither woman didn't enjoy the chase. Y/n knew Maze could catch her, and maybe one day she would. But that's not the important part to her.

"Ms. Smith!" Y/n called out in Maze direction. She motioned her over towards her.

"What is this?" Maze asks suspiciously while walking over. "It's not smart for the bounty to call over her hunter. What's your game?"

"No game, Mazikeen." Y/n called over the bartender once again. "What can I get you?"

"The five hundred thousand I could get from your bounty."

"Oh, but I thought you enjoyed this." when the bartender came back over she ordered Maze the same drink as her. "I mean, I wouldn't do this if it weren't for you."

"So you'd be a teacher if it weren't for me trying to snag you?"

"Maybe. I mean, I doubt any of my students would be like you." Y/n leaned forward and began rubbing her thigh. "Honestly, the best part of my job is you. The chase. The excitement. No other bounty hunter has given me that you have."

"Well that's good to know." Maze said, "But something tells me that it's not gonna go on for much longer." Suddenly, Y/n heard a metal snap and the cold feeling of metal on her wrists. "You're coming with me to the LAPD."

"wow." Y/n scoffed, "This ones on me for being an idiot." Y/n raised her connected hands. "Damn."

"This was fun while it lasted." Maze drank the rest of Y/n's drink, while Y/n stood up.

"It was. The best thing I'd say I've stolen has to be The Pink Star. That was fun." Y/n found herself slithering behind Maze. "Although, I think we had more fun the night after. Ironically, that involved handcuffs as well. Y/n leaned over Maze's shoulder. "Let's recreate that night. We already have the cuffs." Y/n reached over her head, hands still cuffed together. She managed to take one of the bobby pins from Maze's hair.

"As amazing as that sounds, I'll have more fun with the five hundred thousand bounty."

"That can't be the only thing I'm good for." Y/n swiftly began picking at the cuffs as she spoke. "I thought we had fun." Y/n rested her head on the demon's shoulder. Y/n looked across the bar at a patron who she knew was about to slam their drink on the bar, and at the same time as they did, she uncuffed her left hand. The loud bang, masking the clink of the cuff.

"What else are you good for?"

"Well," Y/n pulled away from her, revealing her uncuffed hand and proceeded to cuff Maze's right hand, "I like to think I'm full of surprises."

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