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Tommy and I make our way to the warehouse to check out the drop. Vino, Ice, biggie and shark were already there just as they should. I ask if the product were okay and they affirmed. I give them the news and they lay a few complaints but agreed when I told them I would double their cut. They get to work and I start discussing with Tommy.

“Its been two weeks man, you did what I asked? Taken care of those Tijuanas like I asked?” I asked

“Yeah. They resting in hell now. But thing is, Barbie got away last minute... that Bitch always slips away" he replied

Barbie was the second head of the Tijuanas, sister of Tijuana. We just killed her brother and she wont be too pleased but it would take a while before she’ll try to get back at us anyway.

“Maybe next time brother. Thank you for doing this" I said looking at him. He just nodded and headed back to the boys who were already sorting out the drugs.

“Its all in there Juarez. Did it like you asked with no questions asked now I want you to do something for me" I told Juarez.

He opened the bag and brought out a bundle of cash smelling it he let out a relieved sigh before looking at me “What is it?” he asked.

“I want you to kill someone for me" I replied and he raised his eyebrows.“Barbie, the sister of Tijuana “.

He turned the ends of his lips downwards as if considering what I just said “Okay dead shot" he replied bobbing his head up and down “ I’ll do that for you, but only if you stop dealing with Jefe. I don’t want for there to be any MIXUP... it might get messy" he replied. “I’ll let you know when it’s done.” He said and I nod my head and took my leave.

My final exams were in a weeks time and I had already finished all the work. I was just in the phase of final presentation. I was always good in math and reasoning so this course wasn’t all that hard for me. My grandmother always wanted me to be an engineer so I’m doing this for her, my parents never gave two shots about me and they were always fighting. They got separated before I was ten and I had to go back and forth between them although most of the time I stayed with my mom because she won custody. She would often times drop me at my grandmother’s for the weekend and those were my best says of my childhood. When I was about 13 my mom died in a car crash and I had to move in permanently with my granny because my dad was a junkie and a psychopath. One time he came over in the middle of the night and tried to take me from my grandma, threatening to stab her if she resisted, we were rescued by the cops because the neighbours heard our screaming. He was taken to jail and I’ve not heard from him since, not that I’m complaining. My grandmother loved me so much and I loves her too. It killed me when she past at 80 years of age and I was 16years at that time and just entering the University so i had to fend for myself.

I guess I’ve always been good at what I do, I’m the best goddamn drug distributor in California
I do my 100th push up and grab the towel as I wipe the sweat off my face. I drink some water, disconnecting from the speaker and I head upstairs. I have been working out for five hours now at the basement gym a d I was hungry. I reach my apartment and head into the shower when my phone dings. I pull it out to see a message from Juarez.

Juárez: Done. Now it’s your turn.

I drop my phone and step into the shower.

I have finished showering and was eating while going through my books for the third time. My phone rings and Tommy pops on my screen. I pick it up

“Hello Tommy?” I said

“Man something crazy just happened “ he replied

I frown. I don’t like hearing these news “what’s the problem “

IN TOO DEEP Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ