Phils Mum

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Still Dans pov

The time was getting increasingly closer. Every minuet felt like a second.

I had to leave in 30 mins. I heard the front door open and phil got up off the sofa.

“hey mum!”

“hello sweetie!” Phil's mum shouted from the hallway.

“and who is this, a new friend? I thought you were up hospital with dan”

ohh yeah I must have looked like shit. Not had a shower or straightened my hair or fixed myself up since the hospital. And from the back all she could see was a teenage boy with hobbit hair, blanket around his shoulders, slumped down on her sofa.

I slowly turned around “hey, its me ummm dan?”

her expression went from mild to happiness within a matter of seconds, her eyes brightened, her slouch became upright and her smile widened. Ive never seen someone so happy to see me except phil of course. She lept into the living room and lunged at me. My heart sped up oh not again with the ribs...but phil stood over me in a protecting way. His mum gave him a confused look

“ive already squished his broken ribs once I dont think he will appreciate it twice” phil said with a smile on his face.

“oh my, im so sorry dan.”

“its ok im getting used to it” I laughed. She came over to me in a more calmer way and gently hugged me.

“do you have any idea how worried we were” she stated

I nodded. I didnt know what to think. Maybe someone did care.

We sat there for the next few minuets just talking about what ive missed before phil jumped off the sofa in a burst of excitement.

“while we talk about what dans missed we've missed 2 birthdays. I bought you presents while you were gone hoping that you would come back at some point.”

I didnt even think about birthdays but before I could say anything phil had already disappeared. When he came back down he carried a gigantic red sparkly bag with the name dan scribbled over it.

“here you go” phil held the bag out in front of me.

“but I havent got you anythi-” I stuttered shaking my head. Phil put his finger on my lips, cutting me off.

“dan... just having you back is the best present in the whole world” I calmed down, smiled and took the bag from his hand.

I unwrapped the first present and pulled out the square shaped object. Before even pulling it out the wrapping paper fully I knew what it was. The brand new muse album.

“b-but this came out a few days ago how the hell did y-you get... this” I stared at it in shock. “an old friend” phil smirked.

The next 3 presents consisted of new skinny jeans, earphones, new straighteners but the last one I pulled out the bag topped all the others. Phil and his mum had bought me a camera. Yes a CAMERA!!!!

I just stared at it.

“i thought you could make videos like me when you have the time?” phil said.

“but I cant start youtube... im a mess and people will judge am I meant to do this?” I looked over at phil for comfort.

“you'll be perfect” phil smirked.

The time came round faster than id like. Id kissed Phil's mum goodbye and I made sure I had things like my phone, Phil's spare charger and my presents. We left the warmth of his house into the cold london air. I remembered the road and house number but I wish I didnt remember all those nightmares. I started getting used to the crutches and I still had phil for support.

After about a minuet we reached the house. I stood outside and felt all those memories come back. I hadnt been here in ages but it felt like it was yesterday. The house towered over me as butterfly’s erupted in my stomach

I hated this.

Worn down paint, chipped wood, overgrown garden. It looked like no one lived in this house and it hasn’t changed one bit. We walked up to the door and rung the bell and there he was.

That monster!

Authors note

It might not make sense yet but later dan has a flashback and you find out everything!!!!!!!!! next chapter up tomorrow night.

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