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authors note

in advance I do not know the names of dan and Phil's parents.

I know phil is older than dan in real life but in this they like 5 months away from each other so the same age xxx

this is my first fan fic so sorry if its crap haha

btw dan and phil are already together in this.

Dan’s pov

I used to hate being alone but recently its not been so bad. These last couple of years have been hard and even though I’ve managed to cope throughout all of it, today was seriously the hardest. I walk down the dark street with only the stars to guide me but with nowhere to go and no one who cares about me so I honestly don’t care where they take me. I touch my pounding head and lean against the wall for support. All the memories come flooding back, the blood, the bruises, HIM! Shit. I snap out of it from the sharp pain in my left leg and collapse on the floor letting out a small whimper. I rip open the side of my skinny jeans considering they had already been destroyed and attempted to look at my wound in complete darkness. I got out my smashed up phone and examined it closer wincing at the sight of it. My leg had been completely opened up with 'his' knife. What happened. Why did 'he' make it so easy for me to escape.

I start slipping in and out of consciousness. I need help. I cant die here. Not now. I slowly pick up my phone and manage to dial Phil's number I left it on speaker and let my hand slip back down to the floor.

1 ring.....Its been 2 years!

2 rings.....he’s gonna be asleep at 3 in the morning!

3 rings.....I haven’t spoke to him in ages, he will have forgotten about me.

4 rings.....

“hello?” a very sleepy Phil answers. “Hello?” He asks again. It took so much strength and pain to talk but I managed it “its me...Dan....I need your help” I say in short gasping breaths. “ OH MY GOD DAN !?!?!? where the hell are you, are you hurt?” he asked much more awake this time. “I think... I’m by... the park” I say weakly. “ok, Dan stay with me your gonna be alright, stay on the phone” is all I hear before the darkness takes over and I’m completely alone.

Phil's pov

I told Dan to stay on the phone but it went silent, I was so worried about him. Its been two years since he got taken from me and I wont lose him again. I shouldn’t think about this now he’s back and he needs my help.

I got to the park and let my breathing slow down. Its been about a minute after Dan phoned, I cant waste no more time. I ran out the car park and into the empty playground. The swing was moving on its own and slightly creaking, like the start of a horror movie. I keep running, my eyes darting from left to right desperately scanning for Dan.

That’s when I saw him.

Laying against the wall.

I ran as fast as I could and eventually ended up by him. I pulled his limp body onto my lap and held onto him for dear life.

I watched as his eyes slowly flickered open. I stared into them dreamy brown eyes that I missed so much. “Phil?” he whispered out slightly in pain. “Yeah” I said back, tears brimming in my eyes. I didn’t bother to stop them from falling. Dan reached up his hand, other clinging onto his leg and wiped them away with his thumb. I smile formed on my face and there it was. Dan's dimples showed through his sadness and pain. His eyes closed suddenly and he started crying looking down at his leg. Pulling his hand away I unlocked my phone and put on the light.

So much blood.

I pulled out the spare top I had in my bag for dan and put in on his leg applying pressure. He let out cries of pain every now and then. After about 5 minuets we decided that going to hospital was a good idea. He kept pressure on his wound while I carried him out of the park.

Authors note

awww happy little phil took dan away :) who is 'him' that Dan keeps mentioning? Youll find out. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, next chapter will hopefully be up soon.


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