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Dan's pov

I didn’t want to go to the hospital. They always ask questions that I cant answer, but Phil managed to persuade me. Phil gently placed me in his arms and walked out of the park. I looked up at him and whispered “ my hero” before he kissed my cheek and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke in hospital, Phil's head lying on my chest, eyes closed. He looked so cute when he slept. I looked over at the clock. 6 am. God I need to get back into a sleeping pattern. Phil moved around on my chest and his eyes fluttered open to reveal them beautiful blue oceans. “morning” I said. “morning” he returned. I sat up attempting to not pull on the wires that were scattered over my body. I looked at my stitched up leg. A frown covered my face, how could 'he'. Phil came closer to me and kissed my lips instantly making me forget. Just then a nurse walked in, she looked at me and Phil and let out a relived sigh.

She came over to the bed and looked at her folder.

“so Phil told me how he found you and what happened after, but I just have to make sure your ok enough to go home. you hit your head pretty badly, you have 3 broken ribs and your leg needed stitches. I need to ask you a few questions. Is that ok?”

I nodded and she continued

“what’s your first and last name and your age?”

“Daniel Howell and I’m 17”

“ok... birthday?”

“June 11th”

I replied she wrote down my answers and left the room. Another doctor entered and asked Phil to leave, he gave me a worrying look before leaving. I hate being alone. I need Phil, I'm empty without him. The doctor looked down at me and gave me a serious look before returning to his notebook.

“I apologise if these questions are sensitive to you but we need to know what happened”

my breathing started to speed up. What if he knows about 'him'? What if he works for 'him'? What if they ask about my cuts?

“so did you do this?”

he said pulling up my bedsheets to reveal my cuts on my thighs. I took in a deep shaky breath and nodded. “does phil know?”

“no he hasnt seen I thought it would better if you told him. what made you do it?” he continued.

I couldn’t tell him 'he' told me not to. There’s to much I cant tell. If I tell everything gets worse, that’s what 'he' said. But I want to tell everyone what 'he’s' done to me, how long 'he’s' abused me!

So. Many. Secrets!

I looked down at the floor and pulled my covers back over my cuts.

“please no more questions” I managed to say.

“but we need to know” he said sadly.

“NO!!” I screamed.

“this will help us and you” he spoke up.

“LEAVE ME ALONE! I CANT TELL ANYONE ANYTHING!!!!!!” “I’m sorry... I cant... I just cant...” I stuttered out. Phil come rushing in and engulfed me into a gentle hug.

Phil's pov

“LEAVE ME ALONE! I CANT TELL ANYONE ANYTHING” Dan screamed. I ran into the room. What ever happened to Dan he was obviously scared by it and it was defiantly bad. I hugged Dan's fragile body and looked over at the doctor who was writing some things down. “what happened” I mouthed to the doctor. He asked me to step outside with him.

“ ill be right back” I whispered to Dan.

He just sat there. No emotion. No movement. Just staring at the wall.

I closed the door behind me and looked the doctor in the eyes.

“what happened?” I asked again.

“Its one of his memories that he is so scared of he forces himself to forget but if one thing reminds him he snaps.” the doctor announced.

I thought about if for a minuet.

“does he get violent?” I asked, voice slightly quieter this time.

“well if he gets too far into the memories... I’m afraid he could...and...possibly worse” I looked away from him and watched the other people in the hospital. People breaking down at bad news. People getting wheeled in on stretchers. People fighting to stay alive. Tears stung my eyes, I couldn’t live without Dan but one day we might be one of these people.

With Dan like this I hope its not any time soon. I haven’t seen him in two years and I’m not giving up on him now. The doctor pulled me out of my thoughts and softly spoke “you have to stay strong, for Dan...” I nodded my head and hastily wiped away my tears.

I walked back into Dan's ward and there he was. Same as last time. His hands covered his face. “PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!” dan shouted. I too a few steps back, ive never seen him like this.

“dan its me” his eyes darted my way and he broke down crying

“im so sorry phil. Im such a mess. Im so sorry.” he sobbed.

“Its alright dan. Everything is going to be okay” I spoke whilst slowly walking over to his bed.

“no its not phil I hate my life I cant even stay strong infront of you.” dan whimpered. I sat down next to him. I didnt say anything I just hugged him. I let him let it out but he still didnt seem all there, like he wasnt...dan. Whatever happened changed him and im honestly scared.

After a discussion with the doctors, it was announced that it was safer for dan to go home after a couple of days so they could check if he was ok

an: next chapter up soon. you have been warned!

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