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After noticing the missing Seylena, Yongguk called a mandatory meeting.

Which everyone was not happy with him waking them up from their slumber. Especially since he called it at two o'clock in the morning.

The five individuals dragged their tired bodies into the meeting hall, taking a seat in their usual chair at the table.

Yongguk gazed at them all one at a time.

Himchan sitting in the seat next to him with his arms folding over his chest and yawning away causing a chain reaction.

Daehyun sitting in the seat opposite of Himchan. He was running his index finger around the ring of the glass he had brought in to sip on.

Youngjae walked in next and headed over to the chair next to Himchan. Just like him, he was also tired and leaned back in the chair, taking glances at the situation at hand.

Jongup on the side of Daehyun. To keep himself from being bored, Jongup pulled out his pocket knife and opening and closing it in the palm of his hand.

Last to stroll in was Zelo. He drew hesitation at the scene placed in from of him as he sat down. He glanced over at everyone in the room until his eyes locked on Yongguk's before switching down and looking at the glass table.

This made Yongguk quite curious about the young one's actions but he felt that his actions weren't too important, something else topped his list at the moment.


Once everyone was seated in the room, Yongguk snapped his fingers, ordering the man by the door to shut it. No one leaves the room unless he says so, was his orders before his main men walked into the room.

With the hearing of the locks clicking shut, Yongguk focused on the five people seating at the table.

He cleared his throat before beginning to speak. "One question will be asked today and I want every single one of you to answer truthfully," Yongguk requested, turning his head and scanning each person's eyes to see if they were going to lie.

The members waited for what the question was going to be. Was it an enemy trying to take over their turf. Was money stolen from their safe? What was so important that they had to be woken up from their sleep to come to the meeting room at two o'clock in the morning?

"Where is Seylena?" Yongguk demanded, getting straight to the point of why they were all there.

"You woke us up for that?" Daehyun scoffed as he scrooched back his chair.

Jongup nodded his head concurring with Daehyun. "I agree, isn't that a private issue between the both of you? She probably deserted you like she mentioned she was going to do."

Yongguk side-eyed Jongup as Daehyun guffawed at the boosted confidence from his partner in crime Jongup. Those two always seem to pair up against Yongguk when it involved Seylena. Yongguk made sure to take note of that.

"If that's all you have to ask, which of course, is nonsense in my book, then I'm going back to bed, " Daehyun said. Jongup also did the same, snapping his pocket knife back into the holder and getting ready to get up from the chair to follow along with Daehyun.

But as Daehyun and Jongup were getting up to depart from the meeting room, they were forced back down to their chairs.

"What's going on?!" Youngjae asked shocked at the situation that was now taking a turn for the worst.

Yongguk leaned back in his chair, crossing his legs and arms. "None of you have answered my question when I asked nicely the first time, so because of that we'll do it the hard way."

Yongguk snapped his fingers ordering his men to go with the next phase of his plan.

Every single one of Yongguk's men pulled out their weapons. Which was a 9mm and pointed the end to every member sitting at the table. Even though these were the men that they all grew up with their loyalty remain to who was in charge.

That person being Yongguk.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Jongup yelled out slamming his fist hard on the still cracked glass table.

"Like I said before, where's Seylena?" Yongguk demanded again as he reached into the side pocket of his jacket for a lighter he used when his patient was being tested.

Guns were clocked ready to fire at those who didn't answer Yongguk's question.

Even Himchan who was Yongguk's right hand wasn't exempted from Yongguk's raft.

Just then, the loud pounding from the wooden door caused everyone's eyes to

"Maybe it has something to do with what is going on," Himchan tried to persuade Yongguk to drop this nonsense.

Yongguk unfolded his arms and leaned forward-thinking about what Himchan had told him. Finally, he snapped his fingers and pointed to the door.

The men by the door obey, opening the door to the owner of the person who was pounding.

In strolled one of the young rookie guards panting profusely from running nonstop to having to grasp the attention of his leader. He stepped into the meeting room holding a white envelope in his hand tightly. "Sorry for the interruption, sir but this was left at the front doors," he stated, being quite caution noticing that his leader had guns pointed at the people he so-called trusted.

Yongguk motion for the young man to step forward to him. With hesitation, in the beginning, the young man finally walked over and hands Yongguk the white envelope.

Yongguk took a glimpse at the envelope only noticing that it was marked to him. He quickly tore it open and read the words carefully on the white paper.

Once he reads the letter, he brought his head up just enough to signal his men to lower their weapons.

Right after that, a loud sound of relief ring through the room as the guns that were drawn to them was lowered by Yongguk's request.

He crushed the letter and glanced up looking at his men in the room. Silence fell again as they waited cautiously for his next command or anything to say about the letter that he received. Yongguk took a deep breath before announcing the contents of what the letter stated.

"It appears that someone kidnapped Seylena."

Hope everyone's having a wonderful day


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