Birthright - Culmination

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Aloysius paces angrily across the sodden floor of the castle ruins, madly kicking up stray rocks, hurling the innocent bystanders to ricochet against nearby deteriorating buttresses.

"Aloysius! I along with the counsel just do not believe you have sufficient reasoning for us to sanction nor send mercenaries to do battle with Christopher Harewell, your admitted childe. And once lover. It is obvious that this matter is one of jealousy and should either be settled privately between the two of you, or leave the situation be before exposing our dominion," heralded the Elder.

"But he will turn an innocent into yet another vampire to live perilously amongst us and burden the resources of our already established territory, Elder."

"I've never in my mortal life or in this life known you to be concerned with an innocent much less for the territory. However, we ARE aware of your connection to Christopher."

"But Sir, what say ye of this innocent's deployment of witchcraft upon me and my brood? If this is not challenged, it surely will affect us all! Not to mention his being a Dhampir could lead us all into destruction should his powers of detection be employed by a hunter, with or without his knowledge."

"We do not know beyond a shadow of doubt that this young mortal companion is aware of being a Dhampir. All we have is your own confession that you apprised him of being a Day Walker, which is not an offense. Today, there lives an exponential number of Day Walkers. Granted, many are not self-aware, while others are delusional in their thoughts of walking in our world," Elder emphatically informs.

"But surely Christopher has informed him of this status so as to caution him," Aloy futilely tosses allegations.

"That is not within the power or scope of this counsel, as Christopher is not in our presence to answer charges herewit. May I remind you that Christopher has exhibited an honorable reputation for the last 200 years and was the first to practice Responsible Actions of Vampires, long before anyone else deemed its importance. While others, including you Aloy, were killing for the sport of it and bringing undue attention, he was drinking the blood of forest animals that would not be missed.

To intervene upon your conjecture before he has committed any willful violations of our agreed code of ethics, unbinding in its form, is too impulsive for the counsel's indulgence. And may I also remind you that you are not without blemish, having committed a senseless killing last year and before that time also turned a few mortals for the pleasure of your own company, one of whom committed suicide by falling upon a stake. These actions ARE in record as your childe confessed and requested the stake to remain in his heart, so that he could be reunited with his soul.

Therefore, I assert that this concludes this meeting brought to order by Aloysius of nearby Camden. Meeting Adjourned," announces the Elder.

"And you Aloysius, I advise you to be careful where you trod. Although we now experience a romanticism period for vampire culture, we are still tracked by would-be hunters more for that very reason. Try to befriend Christopher and his relation in earnest and there will be unity instead of discord in this dominion.

Every action that you profess Christopher did to those supposed hapless intruders and leaving the protective confines of his manor with his future issue due to your visitation and pursuit, is quite understandable. I don't believe for a moment that you and your brood followed them only to make conversation. I may be old, but I am wise. Good night Aloy," Elder closes with his adieus.

Once Aloysius and his brood were far away from the ears of Counsel, he spouted, "That old fuckin bag of hot air. They ALL have become too soft! The night belongs to the strong and dark forces, not to the weak! Christopher is a weak link. If he falls from grace or is no longer in the picture, the counsel will bend to new reasoning. MINE! And if Christopher will not be part of my reign, he will be buried amongst his ancestors, alongside his precious Day Walker, Daniel!" openly plots Aloy.

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