Chapter 3 ~ Reclamation

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Part of me sensed being lifted into the air like a weightless cloud. Yet, a cloud black and blue as if preparing to unleash lightning bolts and cast down torrents of rain. Struggling to maintain some semblance of sight through fluttering eyelids, oil lamps illuminating the walls flash by and extinguish themselves as my tortured body is carried past. Ancient wall covering with designs yellowed from time race across what is left of my vision. The next thing in my recollection is awaking with something wet on my forehead and cheek. Struggling with a lump in my throat that wouldn't go down, I attempt to ask what happened.  

My bruised face senses gentle strokes of a hand while a voice softly commands "Sssshhhhhhhhh.  Relax. They are gone. They won't be back... to harm you." Tiredness overcomes my body yet a sense of relief floods my mind. My torso informs me that it's not lying on the musty scented sofa, but replaced by softness of a four poster bed cradling the aches and pains of my trunk and something sleek comforts the back of my throbbing head.  

Once again my eyes strain to see my surroundings, I sense a gentle tug at the buttons along the front of my shirt from the neck to the waist. One by one the buttons slip effortlessly leaving me slightly startled and breathless as the chill hits my bare chest. My voice murmurs some hurt or pang that registers in the neural synapses, and I hear anew the reassuring voice, "Ssshhhhhhh.. it will be alright". The top button to my jeans and zipper stubbornly loosen as their protests were duly registered. Hands on my hips gently cascade them downward along my thighs until finally free of my feet.  

Gazing to the left of the room, my eyes bring into focus a fuzzy glowing orb that fills the sky. Trees limbs gently rock to and fro from the light breeze that have them captivated. The comforter upon which my prone body is laying, wriggles under my backside, and is then placed at my feet. Something cold and slightly softened from age draws a line from my shoulder along one collar bone to the other side, then down the middle of my chest.  

Subconsciously writhing under the touch of the soft invader, my back arches begging more of the same. A nail tipped finger lightly lances across my stomach from hip to hip, dancing through my treasure trail in midstream. Murmurs of satisfaction audibly escape my parted lips as the digits continue to explore, visiting the sides of my haunches, prickling the sensitive skin of my inner thighs, inviting my legs to spread against the fleeting discomfort. 

As if knowing where the pangs are greatest, the soft engorged lips of the guardian cascade from my knees to stomach to the side of my head, nipping skin ever so tenderly after planting kisses capriciously. With each successive oral brush, jolts of life sustaining electricity seemingly rivot through my extremities.  

With bruised muscles relaxing, my legs spread further apart, enticing the lips of the stranger to delve further. The bed dips between my toned members under an invisible weight. Startled, my eyes fly open momentarily and catch sight of a long dark mane adorning the head of that being fervently lapping skin from bellybutton to chin.  

Awakening from this sensory gratifying netherworld, our eyes stare into another. I could swear the brightly burning embers of the fireplace are set in his eyes, undulating a primal mating dance, daring me to wantonly abandon my reserve to become one with the flame. I lick my parched lips involuntarily right before he places his lips upon mine. His tongue flickers ever so slightly and his swollen lips encapsulate mine as my lungs are drained of all oxygen from within its passageways.  

His torso gently bore down against mine, ever so lightly, so as not to inflict more pain, yet to sense his urgency pressing against my hardening mass. Aching, desiring release from its confines, to be conjoined with another's soul. It had been so long.. for both of us.

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