Chapter 5 ~ Appearances

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The sounds were akin to a teacher scraping their fingernails across an old fashioned chalk board. However, the screeching sound was produced upon the glass pane. Then a face appeared in the window. A very pale face with swollen red cupid bow lips, darkened eye sockets, jagged-cut coal black hair framing an angular jaw. Then as soon as the face disappeared, it reappeared in the north window frame accompanied by the same nail scraping shrill. Then the same soul-shattering sound repeats at the next window, which came from the front door of the manor.

"Stay behind me whatever you do, Daniel. Keep me between you and him. We do not want him to get your scent or take with him something that contains your essence", warns Christopher.

"Not that your suggestion doesn't sound like a good idea, but WHO in the hell is HE or WHAT is he?" I squeak in a low tone.

"Someone with whom you do not wish to become acquainted," Christopher quickly mutters softly.

"Is ANYONE hoooome?" the screecher mockingly inquires as his dark figure casually swings around the corner of the vestibule into the library, by holding onto the cornice edging. His appearance could be described as androgynous. Soft white skin surrounding sultry green orbs encased with long lush dark eyelashes.

"You were NOT summoned nor invited to be in my presence, Aloysius," Christopher admonishes scornfully.

"Tssk, tssk, Christopher! I am ashamed of your behavior, especially after all the events in LIFE we have shared. And we've known each other long enough for you to call me Alloy. So, who is this scrumptious blond morsel, I mean mortal?"

"No one you should concern yourself with, Alloy." Christopher averts.

"Well, you see I AM quite concerned about you Christopher, as it seems you or someone else has been playing in your domain. I thought you had abandoned blood from the living, until I came across the bloodless body of a rather portly mortal, lying in the creek. I followed the scent to you. And there are also other interesting scents here," Aloysius informs as he drinks a slow deep breath through his flaring nostrils.

I manage to squelch my surprise as to Aloysius' information and also not to ask questions.

"One is a scent with which I am quite familiar. The other scent I am not, which intrigues me," Aloysius further explains as he attempts to sidestep Christopher in order to obtain a better look and perhaps better scent of me. Then he licks his lips.

"Who IS HE, Christ-OFFER? Is he someone special to you," Aloysius ploys.

"He is a temporary guest, Alloy," Christopher attempts to convey with little emotion.

"Then we could share him for old-time sake perhaps?" Alloy playfully poses.

"NO. He is researching his family history in the area. We do not desire to incite the curiosity of authorities or worse here, as I am sure you would not like that to happen as well?" Christopher insists.

"Does this vital young creature have a name?", Alloy redirects. "And does he speak for himself, or is he deaf mute?" Alloy jests with a smirk on his face.

As Christopher turns to look at me whilst keeping an eye on Alloy's stance, I give a nod that I can hold my own if need be.

"My name is Daniel. I come from America to search for connections to my ancestry as Christopher has informed you," I advise Alloy as I bow my head to him in respectful greeting.

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