Chapter 7 ~ Invocation

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The assembly of vampires did not seem to be partial to the presence of the mists nor the winds and began hastily retreating beyond the circle. The rallying mists drift towards the vampires' line of retreat, picking up rock, twigs, branches and anything else in their path, hurling them at the unwelcome visitors.

"Please tell me you did not conjure spirits? And how were you not aware that you could achieve this?" inquires Christopher in a low voice.

Changing the subject, "So, Aloysius was your best friend who turned you in the beginning, huh? I figured that you two had more going on than met the eye. When and if we get out of this, you ARE going to tell me more, Christopher."

Not paying any mind to my stalling tactics, Christopher vocally prods, "Of course, of course if it is within my power, I will explain anything you wish to know. But for the present time, how did you conjure these spirits?"

"I really didn't know it would work. However yesterday, I had spent a lot of time sitting here amongst the stones, writing down names and dates engraved that I could see. I felt peaceful and accepted here, almost as if my ancestors were trying to help me. Spirits have always come to me, especially while taking photographs. I had given up photography long ago when every picture I took was composed of spirit orbs. The whole thing just, kinda freaked me out.

My deceased beloved friend told me I should not fear it, but embrace it as a gift that they would want to communicate with me. All the photos I took here yesterday once again depicted masses of spirit orbs and even some apparitions. So, when you told me to rely upon my strengths, I was reminded that vampires were not particularly fond of ghosts, from stories I'd read. I was hoping that the spirits of my forefathers would protect us" I explained.

"Interesting," Christopher mutters in amazement.

From amid the horde of bullies, I hear Alloy spewing his hate while holding his ears, "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FORMLESS BASTARDS! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A BODY ANYMORE!!" Not long after those words were cast from his lips we watch his figure fall prone in screaming agony as a long cut appears across his upper arm, as if laid open by an unseen hand. 

While holding his arm together Alloy curses, "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS CHRISTOPHER! AND YOUR HALFBREED DAYWALKER WHORE WILL SUFFER AN AGONIZING DEATH WHILE YOU WATCH! I PROMISE YOUUUUUUUUuuuu!!" Alloy springs and propels himself into flight, with his misanthropic dominion following suit.

After watching the vampires aerial exodus and scatter to the four winds as I had requested, Christopher and I stand in near disbelief of what just transpired. We both look at one another from the side, and I boast pointing at the souls of my kin, "They were pretty damned good weren't they Christopher?"

I step out of the protective circle to be among my kin and to affectionately proclaim gratitude, "Thank you, my beloved ancestors for rushing to my aid. This night, if I ever had any doubts before, there are no doubts now that I am proud to call myself a "Harewell". Until we meet again, peace be among you and may you return to your restful sleep." Following my acknowledgement, the mists began to seep once again into the grounds, mausoleums, crypts both near and far from whence they came.

"Now we travel to the city?," prods Christopher urgently.

While I lean over to retrieve the first candle, a troubled thought crosses my mind, "Yes, but what will we do with you in the morning? You can't possibly return to the manor, can you? Even though they will be scattered until daylight." Worry furrows into the lines of my face.

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