Chapter 6 ~ Permeations

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"SHIT!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??" I screamed while jerking all four wheels back to the center line. Whatever IT was, was clinging to the top of the roof and producing primal scratching sounds all along the top of the Jeep's cover, as if IT was trying to open it like a sardine can. If that wasn't bad enough, something very solid was ahead in the middle of the road. I look at the passenger seat where Christopher is loosening his coat, "And what the hell are you doing?"

Christopher commands, "JUST DRIVE THIS METAL MONSTER!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him withdraw something long, shiny, and metallic. "Ohhhh YEAHHHHH!! I can get with that!" I exclaim.

In the midst of switching gears to 5th and punching the pedal to the floor, making it jerk foward and racing the engine. Christopher bellows, "AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

"You take care of what's on top, and I'll take care of what's in front of us. Just be prepared for an IMPACT!" I boldly order.

"Okay bastard.. let's see what's tougher, your head or this windshield!!!" While Christopher attempts to stab the intruder on top of the roof with jab after jab and missing, I sense the figure in front of me will catapult onto the hood upon approach, trying to gauge my speed. Right before impending jolt, I stand up on the break, while pulling the stick up, and swerve to the side. As the figure nails the windshield, it cracks into a spider web design. (Glad they started putting safety glass in these).

Out of reflex action, I grab hold of Christopher's long black coat jerking him down into the passenger seat as the jeep begins its familiar roll over onto its side. The metal box quickly flips onto it's top from the inertia. Before landing again on all 4 tires, Chris takes another stab at the clingy hitchhiker, skewering him dead center when trapped between the roof and the road. Once the jeep stops its bouncing after such a tumult, Christopher climbs out his side and heads towards the figure laying roadside. That's about the time I noticed smoke everywhere. The damned roof was on fire from the hitchhiker exploding after being shish-kabob'd.. which meant.. That sword had something else bonded to the metal.

I run around to the back to hopefully retrieve a fire extinguisher, but finding none, I grab the towel I had used the morning Christopher packed in my bag, "You even packed the towel that I had dried on?? Hell, it didn't help, they still followed!" Then we both notice in the sky in the direction of the manor what seemed like a swirling black cloud.

I scream bloody murder, "They're coming Christopher! And it's a LOT more of 'em!!"

"We must get to the city or some semblance of population so they will not attempt any attack," Christopher sternly advises.

"No! Let's get out of here! I have an IDEA!" I exclaim with a sinister grin on my face while running back to the Jeep.

"Listen, we have to get to population!", again Christopher emphasizes.

"No. You told me to go with my strengths. There's one that I've always downplayed. Even tried my best to ignore or avoid. A friend of mine before he died told me I had this gift, and to not be afraid of it. It's time to test it."

I search for the turn-off that I know was here before this vehicle broke down before I walked to the manor that long afternoon. I have to go fast, but not so fast as to miss the concrete gravel turnoff onto a bare dirt road. Glancing into the rear-view mirror, the mass of blood-thirsty vampires was closing the distance. Seeing the cut-off ahead, I veer the wheels to the right side of the road, as we both bounce up and down in our seats.

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