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The bitter cold keeps me indoors more than I'd like, but I spend the time meditating and practicing spells. I feel my powers growing and growing. Finally the white snow begins to melt away and green returns to the forest. I wait until things start to thaw before I decide it's time to complete my assignment.

On the first warm morning of the season, I prepare for my trip.

I know from firsthand experience that this particular fungi tastes potently unpleasant. So I slice my homemade bread and toast two pieces over the fire. Once crisp, I slather on some of my jam preserves and then sprinkle a dose of the mushrooms on top.

I reflect back on my first 'shroom experience.

Five planets ago, there was Badar and Leda.

It was a sandy world, completely devoid of life except for in just one of the deserts. This planet has always been known for an arts and music festival that never ends. Hundreds of thousands of travelers have stopped by over the eons. Once a year they light a giant bonfire and celebrate around the burning pyre.

I had wanted to visit for quite awhile, and finally found myself in the right star system at the right time.

Setting up camp on the outer rim of the festival, I took in the sights around me. So many colors and sounds. Humans and aliens mingled, everyone eclectically and scantily clad. Clothing was minimal but what they did wear was enticing. The playa was hot. The creatures around me were hotter.

I explored wild art installations, walked through interactive sculptures, listened to odd cantina bands, met the most interesting strangers. Spice and other drugs were everywhere I looked, and everyone was happy to share. The whole community was based on sharing - giving and taking freely.

The third night of my stay was the infamous bonfire party. A monstrous wooden pyre burned in the center of the circular festival. Giant flames leapt towards the stars, perfumed smoke billowed in the wind. Everyone was happy and free and uninhibited.

I was sitting on my own, admiring the way the embers in the center pulsed along with the music, when they approached me.

I saw Leda first.

Golden hair down to her waist. Bright blue eyes that sparkled with the reflection of the fire. She wore nothing but lingerie, fishnet tights, and thigh high boots. It was all shades of green, and the ensemble brought out the color of her enchanting eyes even more. She walked with confidence, knowing how many creatures craved her.

At her side was Badar.

He was all muscle, his physique beyond impressive. Short brown hair, broad shoulders, dark mocha skin, a scratchy looking scruff to his face. Barefoot and wearing nothing but black leather pants, he was covered in tattoos.

In my third eye, I saw lusty bright red smoke billowing off of the pair as they made their way over and sat on either side of my mat. They each wore a matching silver union band upon one of their fingers. And I understood the situation quickly.

They wanted me as their third.

"Is this your first burn?" Her voice was smooth and sultry.

"Yes." My own voice was warm and steady. I did not feel nervousness or unease. We had all sized each other up on their approach, and now we sat comfortably close.

Deliciously close.

She held out her palm and offered me a handful of dried mushrooms with a smile. "Welcome. We're so glad you came."

I had tried other substances before, but this one was new to me. I was curious more than anything. I thanked her, popped a few in my mouth, and began chewing. They tasted like absolute fucking garbage. I'm sure I made a scrunched up face of disapproval.

Badar chuckled, "You never really get used to the taste. But the ride is fun."

We sat and watched the fire as our trips slowly rolled into our minds. Everything blurred and pulsed and warped and swam across my eyes. My muscles relaxed, my mind relaxed. I rested my head on Badar's strong shoulder. I held Leda's small hand.

Soon we were dancing, my body between theirs. Feminine curves in front of me, masculine angles behind me. We melded together into one. Eventually they led me away from the bonfire and further towards the far side of camp. I trusted them, sensed that I would enjoy where they were taking me.

My hallucinogenic high was in full swing, and I lost control of my emotion-reading power. Bright colors of smoke rolled off of every festival goer I could see. I couldn't turn it off but I didn't care to. I was in a rainbow cloud of desires and emotions and thoughts and physical touch. A kaleidoscope of colors and bodies.

They brought me to a large lush tent. A small sign by the entrance read "The Pleasure Dome".

"Join us?" Leda asked, already sensing my answer but wanting to hear it aloud.

"Of course," I accepted with a smile. Each of my hands was holding one of theirs as we made our way inside.

There was a cantina on the far wall, but the tent was mostly beds and couches and piles of pillows on the floor. It was dark, only lit by candles. The smell of sex was thick in the air, it made my mouth water. And the sounds, fuck, the sounds were incredible.

Tangled bodies were here and there and everywhere in the tent. Men riding men, women licking women, opposite-sex pairs, group sex, alien sex, rough sex, soft sex. It was all on display. Some people sat and watched. Others came to be watched.

Leda lead us towards a soft area near the center of the room. We stripped ourselves completely bare and our highs amplified the pleasures we were seeing, hearing, feeling.

The couple worshipped my body.

She kissed my mouth while he touched my breasts. He pulled my hair while she bit my neck. Her fingers fucked my cunt while his cock filled my mouth. My head was spinning. They were a well oiled machine and worked so perfectly in harmony together. Soon I found myself kissing between her thighs as he entered me from behind. I couldn't see Badar, but I knew they were making intense eye contact with each other.

She watched him fuck me.

He watched her get fucked by me.

I could feel and see the love they had for each other rolling off of them in tidal waves. He thought she looked so beautiful like this, cumming with my tongue deep inside her. She loved the way he looked at her with demanding eyes as he shot ropes of his cum across my ass and back. I was merely a sex toy that strengthened their union, and I was happy to oblige.

We wore ourselves out eventually and slept off the rest of our trip. We spooned like nesting dolls - Badar held Leda who held me.

That night in my drug fueled dreams, I had another vision of the thread. In the morning I untangled myself from the mess of limbs, tenderly kissed them each goodbye, and flew off in search of it.

As I chew my jelly-'shroom toast in the present, I remember them fondly.

I silently wonder what rabbit hole I'll fall down today.

Purpose: A Kylo Ren TaleWhere stories live. Discover now