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Through a break in the canopy, I watch his ship leave the atmosphere. At first it's just another dot amongst the stars, until he hits lightspeed and then it's nothing at all.

I'm left alone in the woods.

But for the first time in a long time, I don't feel alone. My newfound path in the galaxy keeps me company. I finally feel whole now. The Force fables are real. There are other Force users out there. And one with immense power has chosen me as a pupil.

Tonight I learned how to put a shield around my thoughts at all times. He explained that if he could find me, others could. And the Supreme Leader does not want me falling into idle hands. I have a destiny to fulfill.

I don't trust Snoke. I have no reason to, I've never met the goblin. Never felt his presence in my mind. But I do trust Kylo Ren. I have put my allegiance with him, and I intend to keep that promise. He is gifting me with priceless knowledge and power. I would do anything to show my gratitude.

As we hiked back from the meadow, he explained that he would return between missions so we could train as he was available. It would be sporadic, without schedule, but that didn't bother me. I maintain no orderly schedule anyway. I go about life like the wind.

"I see that you keep no datapad or holo-device," he said before he left.


He didn't ask why, he already knew the answer.

I hate being surrounded by technology. It feels cold and lifeless. Not to mention useless. Who would I be calling on a holo? What entertainment do I need from a datapad? I keep my ship nearby, it's the only machinery I own, but it's merely a vessel to get from planet to planet. I want nothing when it comes to tech. Everything I need is here in the forest.

"You are to continue training in my absence. Meditate daily. Expand your mind. Focus your energy."

"I will," I assured. I am confident.

"Holos are useless, when you have a Force connection. You know my Force signature now. My mind has a wall around it, yes. But my signature is always there if you look hard enough. Focus on how it felt, visualize it. Your first assignment while I'm gone..."

He paused to put on his helmet.

"Find me," spoke the masked ghoul.

I don't like the mask, but at least now I know the man inside. My eyes lingered for a moment on his frame. Enjoyed seeing the way his muscles moved under the black fabric. And then I simply nodded and turned back towards home, as he turned back towards the stars.

And now he is gone.

I make my way inside the cottage. It is still night, but only an hour or two until the first sunrise. It's my favorite time of day. Everything is quiet. Tranquil. There is a magic in the air.

I feel... fucking amazing.


I have successfully added another card to my growing deck of Force tricks. And I already crave more. I find myself pacing in the living room. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins, and I know sleep will be impossible at this point.

I stop by the kitchen to tidy up - two mugs on the table is a new sight in this house. My cup is empty, his is not. But my mind remembers how he took two sips as a gesture of good faith. I think of how his full lips have pressed against this pottery. I rinse the mugs with care, set them back on the shelf.

Holding out my right hand, a jar of dried spice gently lands in my waiting palm. I walk back to my bedroom and sit cross legged on the bed. Grabbing one of the books from my nightstand, I place it on my lap. Upon this surface my fingers break apart the spice, working it to near dust.

Once I'm satisfied with the amount and consistency, I send the excess herb back into the other room. My hand reaches for a small wooden box, engraved with oliphaunts and floral accents.

Opening the lid, I examine the contents. Rolling papers, wooden pipes, matches. But my favorite possession inside is the crystal pipe. This planet is rife with crystals. They aren't hard to find, it's almost as if they hum and call to me. I happened upon this one in a cave, already perfectly hollowed out in the right places.

I pack the crumbled spice into the crystal, and snag a few matches.

Fresh clothes, soaps, a towel, and hairbrush are tossed in my bag and slung across my shoulder. With the crystal pipe in one hand and my book in the other, I make my way outside again.

Walking through the forest as the first sun dawns a new day, the sky is soft shades of pink and orange. The closer the larger sun gets to cresting the horizon, the warmer the air feels. Not hot - that time of year has just passed. It's currently an in between season and I enjoy the mix of warm and brisk.

I find a soft spot of moss by the stream, sitting with my back against a tree. I strike a match against a rock and hold it to the crystal at my lips.

I inhale. I exhale.

I inhale. I exhale.

Every so often I repeat the process, reading passages from my book in between. Once both suns are high in the sky, and I'm not far behind, I gently tuck the book and crystal back into my satchel.

I stand on the bank of the stream, and begin to remove my clothing. The cabin has a 'fresher of course, but I prefer to bathe outside when the weather is right. I strip until I'm as natural as my surroundings.

I am confident with my body.

The water is cool, the suns are warm. I wash and rinse my hair, and then start the same process on my skin.

Soapy hands run up and down my arms, massage my neck and décolletage. My fingers find my breasts - soapy and slick, they glide across my nipples easily. With the spice running through my veins, the pleasure is heightened.

As I touch myself, I think back on the previous evening.

The man.

The power.

Power turns me on, and being turned on gives me power. I reach between my legs to find my warm wetness mixing with the cool water. I work at my most sensitive parts while staying in tune to the world around me.

The stream between my fingers. My moans mingling with the bird songs. The wind softly blowing across my hardened nipples.

I cum hard, I cum fast.

White explodes behind my eyes. I'm in euphoric bliss, floating in my mind. I linger in that headspace for a few minutes.

Everything is fuzzy and blurred but then, in my post-orgasm high, I sense something. I wade through the static, searching. And then I see it. A crackling, unstable line of energy.

I follow it, already knowing who I'll find at the end.

I recognize his signature immediately.

"That didn't take long at all."

Purpose: A Kylo Ren TaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora