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A week has passed since Kylo Ren's threat of a reward.

That night by the fire, while our Force signatures conversed, I pushed into his mind and saw an image that he didn't try to hide. A luscious idea. If anything, he wanted me to see it. It was dark. And it was seductive. I wanted it. But he already knew that.

Such a considerate gift giver.

I spend the week waiting for his return.

I've been using The Force, guiding the plants to grow higher and higher. Only a few days ago this was barren land and now it's lush with produce, overflowing with food and flowers. My command of the elements has grown along with the plants.

Tonight I'm lounging in the tub, surrounded by bubbles and candles, reading my spellbook.

There's a particularly sexy piece of blood magic that draws me in. It sounds absolutely evil and delicious. I decide it's perfect for what Kylo Ren had in mind.

As if on cue, I sense his Force signature.

But. I also sense others.

He's not alone.


Yes, Sir.

"Come to the meadow. Your presents will be waiting."

I finish my bath as I sense two ships landing. One is his TIE, but the other feels like a larger shuttle.

After toweling dry, I perfume my wrists and throat, wrap myself in nothing but a sheer black robe, and pull my damp hair into a ponytail. My hands carry "Dark Enchantments" and a dagger made of crystal. As I walk through the woods, under the stars and moons, I do not feel anxious. I know what's waiting for me, and I crave the power that I'll get from it.

There is a sinister feeling radiating through the air as I step into the clearing towards Kylo Ren.


"You have made even more progress on your quest for power. It shows."

I know he means my demeanor. The confidence rolls off of me, I hold my head higher, I know I am unstoppable. My energy is dark and seductive. He finds it attractive, I can see it on his face. The lust is clear to see, he has that primal look again.

"You've earned another reward. If you're strong enough to handle it."

"I'm not worried about me. Can they handle it?" I ask.

Kylo Ren chuckles and lifts a hand. He motions for the others to join us. Six black shadows under the trees morph into men as they make their way into the clearing. Masked, armored, deadly.

"Witch. May I introduce The Knights of Ren."

I can't see their faces, but I don't need to. I'm stronger than their mental shields, can read their emotions. Each of them is bloodthirsty. Cunt-thirsty. I can see their inner desires, I watch the sick fantasies in their minds.

"Use them however you wish."

An evil smile paints itself across my lips.

We begin.

First I force them all to take off the fucking masks. Intimidation tactics don't work here. They aren't the real monsters, I am. Kylo Ren watches from the sidelines as I familiarize myself with a charm in my spellbook, and then prepare for the ritual.

Crystals. Blood. Sex. Nature.

Six strong men stand before me, dripping with desire.

"Take off the armor. Bare your chests," I command.

They wordlessly do as I say. I walk to the closest Knight, and lightly drag my dagger across his muscular torso, taunting him. I circle his body, sizing him up.

"You. What's your name."


I reach out and slap him across the face. Hard.

"You will address me as Madam. All of you will," I say to the group. "If you think you're in charge tonight, you're fucking mistaken. This is my world. You worship me. I could easily kill all of you if I felt like it. Understood?"

"Yes, Madam," reply six eager voices. Twelve hungry eyes look back at me, waiting for their next command.

"Kneel in front of me, Vicrul."

He doesn't move fast enough, so my hand whips out and I use The Force to shove his knees into the dirt.

"Worthless," I spit at him from above.

My left hand reaches out and tenderly brushes down his face. He's quite handsome. Bright eyes look up at me, they're swimming with lust. But all I see before me is a man that will give me what I want, what I crave. He's nothing more to me, he's nothing.

Kylo Ren watches all of this from the shadows.

In my dominant hand, I still grasp the knife. I bring it to his throat. He does not flinch. I can feel the desire roll off of him.

"You like this, don't you? Your desires are loud, I hear your thoughts. You're weak. You don't get what you don't earn. Do you want me?"

He looks at my naked form beneath the sheer robe. I watch as his eyes run up and down my curves. My dagger is still pressing into his neck.

"Yes, Madam."

"Good boy. Then are you prepared to pay the price?"

"Yes, Madam."

I walk behind him and place a soft kiss on his shoulder blade. Standing back, I place the tip of my crystal dagger in the same spot.

He doesn't flinch when I begin carving a rune into his flesh.

When I'm satisfied with the shape, I repeat the process with the other five Knights. I brand them with different ancient symbols. I use the blade of the crystal to spill some of The Force running through their veins. My vision showed that I am strong enough to steal what I want.

I wipe my hands across their wounds.

I lick the blood from my fingers.

As I swallow, I can feel myself grow even stronger. I feel electric, my pupils are blown and my fingers are tingling. With bloody hands and mouth, I turn to Kylo Ren. His face is controlled but his eyes are wild. He looks at me like I'm a goddess.

He speaks directly into my mind, and repeats his last statement.

"Use them however you wish."

I turn back to The Knights of Ren.

"Strip," I demand.

Purpose: A Kylo Ren TaleWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu