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Kylo Ren.


His voice swims in my mind, and his tone suggests that Witch is not an insult but rather a respectable title. I allow it.

I finish rinsing my body and stand from the stream to towel off. A thin gray dress slips over my head and hangs loose to the ground. I sit back on the moss and begin brushing my hair.

Can you see me? I can't see you.

"No but I can hear you."

I work the tangles from my hair and watch as it slowly dries under the double suns.

"You found my signature and forged a connection rather quickly. I sense you were thinking of me while meditating?"

Something like that.

"Your meditation was quite loud on my end."

I crack a sly smile. I feel no shame. So he heard. Good. Now he sees how much power I draw from nature and desire.

Give me another assignment. I want more.

"Greedy little thing, aren't you."

Very. And I always get what I want.

I know he understands the double meaning of my words. My body is still tingling, daydreaming about fucking him. I pack my belongings and begin the hike home. Once reaching the cottage I set down my bag, and grab a sun hat, wicker basket, and clippers. I walk to the gardens. 

"No new lessons yet. You lack patience."


I make sure to convey the feeling of playfully batting my eyelashes at him.

"Sir," he corrects sternly.

Please, Sir?

"Good girl." A pause. "Fine, lesson two. A study in patience."

I roll my eyes as I walk the rows of produce but I also feel a smile on my lips. His praise is music to my ears, and immediately sends a familiar warmth back to my thighs. I subconsciously vow to call him whatever he wants as long as he never stops praising me this way.

We continue this mental conversation while I gather food. Picking and pruning the plush garden as I go.  Next I make my way to the wildflowers, and snip the ones I like best for floral arrangements. I feel proud of the bounty in my basket.

"I'll return in a few days. If you can control yourself and refrain from begging for a new lesson between now and then, I'll bring you a reward. And a new skill."

Yes, Sir.

"Good girl."

The connection gently fades and I'm on my own again. I head back to the cottage.

Another day passes.

I've never been good at patience. When I want something, I usually know exactly how to acquire it quickly. If a faster ship catches my eye, I mind trick the weak owner until it belongs to me. If a beautiful woman makes eye contact with me from across a cantina, I read her colors and use my charm to bed her easily. I have never had to practice patience before - I usually just take what I want when I want it.

But I do my best to follow Kylo Ren's guidance.

A reward sounds nice.

A new Force trick sounds nicer.

So I do as he says. I meditate. I practice what he has taught me. I work on my mental shields, practice strengthening the roots and vines that protect my thoughts from intrusion. I go through my life history and pick and choose important memories to wrap up and bury safely in my subconscious.

A week passes.

My tolerance for patience is waning. I'm pissed. It's been a "few days" and I haven't heard from him. We haven't spoken since I first bridged our connection through The Force. Not to say that I haven't felt him in my mind though. Every morning and evening I meditate in the meadow. The days are growing shorter and the cold season is slowly approaching, but I still love meditating in the open. And each time I practice the skills he has taught me, I feel him lingering on the outskirts of my mind. Watching.

But he doesn't speak. Just watches me work. The first few times I noticed, it was comforting. I liked that he was checking on me, checking on my progress. But now a whole kriffing week has gone by with radio silence. I feel a compulsion to start the conversation. Demand to know when he'll be back with my next lesson. Insist that I get my way.

But I don't.

I'm not weak, I think to myself, and not to him directly.

I grit my teeth in determination. If this is a test, I will not fail. My skin itches with anger. And also with the need for more power, it's almost an overwhelming addiction. But I am strong. So I focus on my mediation. I let go of the impulsive urges. I calm the rage. I practice patience.

A month passes.

It's the very end of the season, and time to prepare for the harsh cold that lingers just around the corner. I am working in the dwindling garden to harvest as much as I can before clearing the beds completely. I take the last of the produce inside and get the kitchen ready for canning.

A flick of my wrist and the embers in the hearth fan themselves back to life. I summon more logs to the low burning fire. A few cauldrons are hanging from hooks above the flames, waiting to brew hearty meals that will last me until the ground thaws again.

Dozens of clear jars litter the kitchen table. I chop raw fruits and vegetables and place them in the containers. I then look at what ingredients are left and contemplate which recipes sound like they'd be satisfying in the middle of the frozen season.

Soon, rich stews and sweet jams are bubbling in the various pots.

The aroma in the house is delicious. I divvy everything into the remaining jars, cap them, boil them in a water bath so they seal properly, and then leave them to cool on the counter before being transferred to storage. I am pleased that even though the garden has now died, it will still sustain me until I can plant again.

Life creates death creates life again.

Once they have cooled completely, I move all of the jars into the pantry. I feel a deep sense of pride, looking at how well I've prepared. I turn back to the kitchen to begin the cleanup process.

When I'm finally finished with dishes, I decide I've earned a cozy nap by the fire. I wrap myself in a soft blanket, my eyes are heavy.

I'm relaxed, my mind is clear, my eyelids flutter closed.

Just before I drift into slumber... I sense it.

The crackling, raw energy of his Force signature.

But I don't need to reach out towards it or try to follow it down a path. I feel it approaching me, getting closer and closer. Rapidly.

My eyes snap open.

All drowsiness has disappeared.

Kylo Ren is approaching the planet's orbit.

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