Cat-astrophe (10)

Start from the beginning

"Well-ell then . . . that's got me fe-feline sad," Foxy snickered.

". . ." You glared at him disapprovingly, knowing that words weren't needed.

"Yeah, I-I-I know. That was aw-ful. Probably was-asn't the 'cat-at's meow,' " Foxy joked, grinning stupidly; you rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore him.

". . . Those were all my Play Tokens for today, then. I guess, now all I've got to do is wait for James to get here. I'm definitely not setting all these chairs out on my own."

"We can-an-an help!" Freddy offered.

"Uhh, I'd rather you didn't. It'd give us something to do when he gets here, instead of telling him to 'drop it' every few minutes." You scratched the back of your neck.

"You-ou don't need t-to worry a-bout that with me-e around. I'll make-ake sure he-e-e keeps his m-mouth shut," Foxy boasted, 'cracking' his knuckles.

"I can handle it myself, Fox-butt," you brushed him off and received a huff.

You shuffled over to where the cart of chairs were, making Foxy watch you curiously. You grabbed a chair, dragged it to the closest table, and turned it around. You plopped down into it as you grabbed your phone from your pocket.

"What-at are you do-ing?" Freddy asked, swinging to stand behind you.

"Playing on my phone in the meantime," you murmured, lying your arm across the back of the chair and resting your chin on it.

"You've cat-at-at to be kitten-en me!" Foxy gasped dramatically.

"Shut the fuck up!" you laughed, pushing him away; he laughed with you.

~ ~ ~ ~

You mindlessly scrolled through social media as Molten Freddy crawled back and forth along the ceiling to entertain themselves. Your attention was suddenly drawn when you heard rumbling outside. You looked behind you, to see a car stop by the front doors.

"There we are," you muttered as James stepped out of the car.

"What?" Molten Freddy wondered, seeing as you were standing up.

"What do you mean 'what?' " you sneered, glancing back at them, "You guys are deaf as a doorknob."

". . . Wha-at? What d-does that mea-ean?" Freddy blabbered.


"'Deaf as a doorknob'?"

"Yeah, it's- . . . like . . . super deaf."

"Is a door-knob s-super deaf?" Freddy questioned.

"Wh- No. It's just a saying! I don't know why that's how it is!" you ranted, throwing your arms up.

"O-okay. Th-th-that's okay," Freddy mumbled, cowering some.

"Um, what's going on in here?" a familiar voice wondered.

You and Molten Freddy looked over, to see James standing in the doorway. Foxy took over, glaring at him.


"Nothing. Anyway, let's get ready. I waited until you got here to start anything."

"Thanks, I guess . . ."

You started grabbing chairs and setting them out at the tables. James looked over to you, scrunching his eyebrows.

"Can we talk, maybe?"

Instead of replying, you gave him a quick glare. Foxy growled, shooting daggers at him and making him lower his head.

The pizzeria fell silent as you continued to set up the chair. Helpy waddled up next to you, attempting to help you. You giggled, patting his head. You gasped, widening your eyes.

Molten Freddy X Reader (A Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now