Employ (9)

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You were woken up by something repeatedly poking you in the face. You opened your eyes groggily, seeing a blurred figure in front of you. You blinked the fog away and saw Molten Freddy. You swatted their hand away, groaning as you rolled over.

"(Y/N)," you heard Freddy whine.

"What is it, Fred?" you asked, your voice croaky.

"You-ou've been sleeping for-forever!" Freddy complained poutingly.

"Oh, have I?" you played along, "What time is it?"

"It's only 6," Baby replied.

"It's al-already 6!" Freddy sputtered, waving his arms.

"Ugh, Fred, why so early?" you groaned under your breath, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Come o-o-on," Freddy moaned, shaking you slightly.

"Five more minutes," you groaned, pulling the blanket over your head.

"(Y/N)," he pouted, resting his chin on your arm.

"Just . . . count to 300 in your head, and then tell me when you finish," you mumbled, already starting to nod off.

"Can-an I throw a par-arty?" he squealed quietly.

"Yeah, sure."

You waved him off. He opened the door and left for some reason, but you were too tired to wonder. You noticed the drumming of rain pelting the roof as you closed your eyes.

"Wake u-up, wa-a-ake up!" Freddy shouted in your ear.

You jumped, your eyes widening. "What the--"

"It's par-arty ti-i-ime!" he cheered.

"What? No, I just closed my eyes," you argued, rolling over to look at him.

You slowly sat up, looking around. Everything was decorated, including Baby--who looked rather annoyed.

"Wha- . . . How? I had just- Has it really been five minutes?" you blabbered, holding your head.

"A long, unpleasant five minutes," Baby grumbled. "Yes."

"G- Agh, that fucking sucks!" you ranted, throwing your head back and closing your eyes.

"You know-ow what e-else fucking sucks?" Foxy commented.

"Mosquitoes. Both literally and figuratively," you mumbled under your breath.

"Wha-at? No- I-I mean- Yes, b-but that's not-ot what I'm talk-talking about," he snarled, crossing his arms. "I'm talk-ing about be-eing in a body wi-i-ith Freddy."

"I could stand being in Freddy--"

"Oh, sh-shu-ut the fuck u-up!"

"Pfft . . ."

Foxy shook his head and rolled his eyes. "His god-damn thoughts are con-constantly racing about stu-u-upid shit. It's s-so-o fucking annoy-ing!"

"It's also quite annoying having to be a part of the outcomes of those stupid thoughts." Baby sighed, gesturing to the decorations on her.

"Aww, I-I know you guys lo-ove me!" Freddy laughed, wrapping an arm around Baby's shoulders.

"You better be-be lucky we sh-share the same body. Other-erwise, you would've j-just received a pu-unch to the face," Foxy interrupted, pulling away from Baby.

"And then you would've received me ripping off your goddamn arm," you snapped, glaring at him.

"Yeah-eah, yeah," Foxy sneered, rolling his eyes.

Molten Freddy X Reader (A Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now