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“Where are we?” I asked and heard a deep chuckle next to me.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there.”


II was still unsure about this. A few months back, not long after Shredder let us leave his Tower, the girls and I returned to school, somehow managing to catch up to everything we missed and passed all our classes. Raiden kept me on at the Pizza Shop and Haidley even managed to score a job there too. Andy hasn’t left the Foot but he lets me know what’s going on.

“Okay, we’re here.”

Raph untied his bandanna from my eyes and I opened to find a picnic rug with a few sandwiches and such placed on it.

“Where are w-whoa.”

Raph smirked as I took in the fact that we were about to have a picnic on top of the Manhattan Bridge.

“This is,” I tried to say, “wow.”

“April kinda helped,” he shrugged and I laughed, kissing his cheek.

“It’s the thought that counts,” I smiled.

We sat down and watched the sunset over the city, while eating the sandwiches. A gentle breeze blew through, blowing my short red hair back and I took a deep breath, closing my eyes momentarily.

“This time of day is beautiful,” I whispered.

Raph mumbled something back but I didn’t hear it. Opening my eyes I glanced at him and smiled softly.

“What are the others up to?” I asked and he shrugged.

“Don’t know,” he responded, “but I think Haidley challenged Mikey to some sort of gaming competition.”

I chuckled. Typical of those two. As for Donnie and Rosie, they both could be both working on some sort of machine to use in the lair and fixing up Raph’s Shell Cycle or the Battle Shell. Leo would be helping Sophie with her meditation and April would be making sure Casey didn’t get into any trouble.

“It’s weird,” I said and Raph frowned at me. “I now know my parents, but I still can’t call them Mum and Dad.”

“You will when you’re ready to,” the turtle grinned and I shook my head at him, picking up a sandwich.

I threw it at him and it hit him square between the eyes. Laughing at him, I fell backwards onto my bad and he growled, lunging for me. He landed with his feet either side of my knees and his hands near my shoulders. I grinned up at him and he rolled his eyes.

“Grace, there’s something I want to ask you,” he whispered and I stared up at him.


“Would you-”

“Raph, Grace, we’ve got trouble!”

“Hold that thought,” I said and Raph groaned, getting up before helping me up. “Where are you guys?”

“Near the old Purple Dragon hideout, hurry,” Leo said through the Shell Cell and I glanced over to see an annoyed Raph.

“Hey,” I mumbled and he glanced up at me, “you can ask me later but right now your brothers need us.”

“I know, I’m just being selfish.”

I chuckled again and grasped his hand, pulling him towards the old Purple Dragon hideout, located not far from where we were. The sound of grunts and people hitting the ground was growing with every second we got closer.

“What the shell is going on?” Raph said and we burst through the doors, Raph pulling out his Sais and me my one sword, my twin blade katana. “Be safe.”

“Always am.”

He pressed a kiss to my forehead and we raced in.

“Raph being you!” Donnie called and I knocked down the Ninja, turning around to see another Foot Ninja behind the turtle being called.

I bolted across the roof, lunging for the Ninja and the both of us fell over the side off the four story building. I managed to grab onto the flag pole sticking out from the side, my sweaty fingers slipping.

“Raph!” I called out and Raph’s head popped into view.

“Grace, hold on.”

“Hurry, I’m slipping!”

Raph disappeared and reappeared with Donnie and Mikey with him. Don turned to Mikey who held onto one end of his Nunchucks and Donnie grabbed the other end. My fingers became supper slippery, I let my right hand go, dangling from one hand. Donnie gripped onto his staff, scaling down as far as Mikey could let him.

“Grace grab on.”

Don’t staff was close to me and I reached up, fingers barely touching the staff.

“I can’t reach.”

“Lower Mikey.”

“If I go any lower, we will be hanging there with Grace too.”

“Raph, what were you going to ask me earlier?”

“I was going to ask if you would marry me,” Raph called and I looked straight at him, tears forming in my eyes.

“I would have said yes,” I sniffled and Raph grinned. “I love you.”

 My fingers slipped and I fell, waiting for the ground to reach me.

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