Chapter Ten: Raph's Secret

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I watched as Leo trained Gracie and growled inwardly. Sophie must have noticed me watching and she paused to do the same. She landed after side-kicking Leo in the shoulder, sweat forming on her face and slightly on her arms. Her short red hair was in a slight mess. Somewhere during when I blanked out, Master Splinter appeared and was rubbing his chest.

“Well, I was trained by Oroku Saki himself,” Grace laughed quietly and my brothers gasped, me included.

“How long was he training you for?” Donnie asked and I looked at the brainiac.

“Since I was five,” the blue-eyed girl whispered and my hands clenched tightly.

“I see,” Sensei spoke up, stroking his beard. “This means he knows how you fight.”

Grace’s shoulders slumped slightly and she sighed. Haidley placed her hand on the red heads’ shoulder. Grace smiled at the pink-haired girl and straightened up.

“Grace, you were saying you can get us in. How?” Leo stated and a thoughtful look crossed Gracie’s face.

“There is a sewer entrance big enough for a truck to go through near the rear end of the Tower,” she said and Don rubbed his chin. “If we can somehow cause a distraction near the front entrance then we won’t be seen entering from the back.”

“I think I have an idea for a distraction,” Don smiled and Haidley glanced at him. “The Battle Shell.”

“Remember what happened last time we let the Battle Shell be the distraction?” Leo folded his arms and smirked at Don, who pouted.

“I’ll let Mikey drive this time.”

“Sweet dude.”

I whacked him on the back of the head to which he flinched and glared at me, folding his arms.

“He was being sarcastic, shell for brains,” I snapped and Mikey poked his tongue out.

“Let me call April to see if Casey and her want to come with us,” Don said and I rolled my eyes.

“Does Casey ever say no?”

Don chuckled and grabbed his Shell cell, dialling April’s number.

“What are you going to ask him?” Sophie spoke up, “the Shredder, I mean?”

“I don’t know,” Grace whispered, “but I want to know why I was taken, so I’ll start with that then go from there.”

“Alright. Raph?”

I looked over at Leo.

“You, Rosie, Mikey and Sophie figure out what stuff we might need. Equipment, food, whatever. You’re in charge,” Leo ordered and I nodded. “Grace, you’re going to help Don with the preparations for hacking into The Foots’ computers. Haidley, you’ll help me with making sure we have the Battle Shell ready.”

Leo and Haidley headed to the elevator, going topside to the garage, while Grace made her way to Don’s lab. I watched as she left, before shaking my head and heading towards the kitchen. Mikey and Rosie were packing a couple of water bottles and snacks into some bags.

“Sophie, help me find the first aid kits,” I said and Sophie followed me to the cupboards.

Opening one of the doors, I pulled out everything but didn’t see any first aid kits. Sophie rummaged through another cupboard while I put everything back. It took a while but we found the kit and Sophie threw it at Mikey.

“That’s everything,” she said and heaved one of the eight bags onto her back.

Rosie did the same and they both grabbed another bag. Mikey and I picked up the straps of two bags each and carried them to the elevator. Don and Grace appeared, taking a bag each.

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