Exorcists to ashes?

472 11 14


Be scared.
"You sure this info is right man, can't risk another cock up or boss'll have our heads."
???? Said, feet leisurely placed on the coffee table. Their arm was draped casually along the top of the moth-eaten sofa whilst the other one was periodically taking a cigarette to their mouth, allowing them to take a drag, and then returning to its original position.

"Ya know, you look awfully relaxed for someone contemplating child murder." another one piped up from one of the many dark corner. They were always one of the more righteous ones.

"Ohh posh. He's just pretending hes hot shit. The info's good. I've checked." The one sitting on a barstool said as another poured them a glass of amber liquid from behind the bar.
"Whatever do you mean? I am hot shit. " the sofa dweller retorted, emphasisingthe 'am'.
A vintage television crackled to life from one of the dusty shelves, displaying a glitching sign that read 'audio only'

"I do believe you are supposed to be leaving," a pause "in two minutes. I won't tolerate another faliure." and then the television switched off with a 'click'

"Right," the sofa one huffed, throwing his used cigarette away and lighting another one with a small breath of blue flame. He stood up.
"Lets be off then-"
"For the love of gods stop acting all boss-like asshat. You answer to me."

"Calm down man,"
The bartender created a swirling black portal, that lightened to purple at the edges and the troupe walked through, one by one.
"Its fuckin freezing out here."
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Can i stab people?!"
The group started making rounds, finding a tent, emptying a canister of strangely coloured gas and waiting for a few minutes before dragging out and tying up the inhabitants.
From inside their tent, Katsuki and Rin panicked.
"What do we do?" Rin said, in barely more than a whisper.
"Sneak out the back of the tent and get Yukio and Shura." Katsuki replied, never tearing his eyes from the intruders.
Rin left the tent, and Katsuki was alone. The teachers were in a slightly seperated area that the villains had not yet noticed, thank the gods.
They inevitably got to his tent. The gass was released inside and he held his breath, feigning sleep. He was then pulled out and tied up, then dumped in the centre of the camp with the other students, who were all out cold.
"Shit." he hissed, he was counting on at least one other being awake. His anxiety rose and rose, it took everything in him to keep his eyes closed. Rin's life was important- but so was his, and what about his friends?

Rin on the other hand, had succesfully woken Yukio and Shura. They had instructed him to hide so there he was, crouching behind a bush. His legs were starting to cramp and it was really cold. He sighed, this was shitty.

"OI! OVER HERE ASSHOLES!" Shura shouted at the villains, who sent a tall, scarred man in a black coat. He smirked at the sight of Shura's skimpy clothes.
"Hey hey pretty," he gave her a sleazy smile, closing in on her and ignoring Yukio. Shura stood stock still, ready to pull out her sword if he attacked. She shivered as she felt the rough, cold skin of his fingers on her waist. His breath was hot on her neck.

"Lets say you came back with us, gave us some information," he spoke into her ear, voice gravelly and low
"Maybe even, entertained us, we might not kill your precious students,"

"GET OFF HER PERVERT!" Yukio yelled, he couldn't take watching this, this villain! Touch up his friend any longer.  He shot at the man with both of his guns, luckily loaded with real bullets and not just holy water. But with a lazy swish of his hand he conjured up a jet of blue flames and blocked the shot. Using his distraction to her advantage, Shura pulled out of his reach, pulling her sword from her chest.

"Two on one? This is hardly fair."

"Shut up dickhead, you ain't leaving here alive." Shura threatened
"Oh you misunderstand, it's not myself I'm worried about."
And with that he conjured another torrent of flames into a roaring whirl pool around the three of them. Rin couldn't see what was going on, but he could hear shouting and the villains laughter and Shura- screaming? What was happening?!

And then the flames disappeared leaving nothing but a burnt circle of grass. The villain smirked, confidently walking back to the clearing. But before he left, he turned his head and threw Yukio's exorcist badge onto the ground.
"Changed your decision yet babe?" Shura yet out an infuriated yell, stabbing at him with her blade only for him to once again block it with fire.
"Thought so."  He left, and Shura fell to her knees.

"SHURA! where- where's Yukio?" Rin called as he ran from his hiding place. He didn't know why he asked, he knew the answer.
"He- he got pushed into the flames. Im so fucking sorry kid, I'm sorry-"
"It's not your fault." Rin said sternly, he pushed down the bitter regret and greif and made way for anger.
"It's his. And I'm going to fucking kill him."
Katsuki didn't know what to do, he had heard fighting- but it was distant. The others hadn't done anything yet other than monologue and boast. He didn't know what about- he didn't care to listen. And then his world of dark exploded into white light.
He snapped his eyes open to see Rin, storming into the clearing. But this was different to his usual demonic form.
Kurikara was held in his hand, blazing bright and strong. His pupils were a swirling mixture of red and bright blue, and they were shaped into three pointed, curved shurikens.  His tail was flaming brighter than normal, along with two columns of fire that were shaped into two tall horns.
Rins ears were fully elongated and his moutj looked like it were full of impossibly sharp ivory toothpicks.
and fight him they did. The entire group rushed towards him and launched into a gruelling battle.

The lizard one threw a punch as the firey one blasted a fireball (cool, but somewhat Innefective) and the blue haired one reached his hand out and they were overpowering him! Katsuki was panicking, but he was bound and gagged and could do nothing as his boyfriend was pushed to the floor like some yowling animal. The blue haired one, Shigaraki he had been called, reached his hand out and disintegrated Kurikara.

Rin watched, and could do nothing. He was being held down by three adults. Kurikara turned to dust infront of him.
"NOOOOOO!" He was screaming himself hoarse. But as the ashes settled on the floor he felt his heart burn. And suddenly he was filled with a renewed strenghth.

Rin threw the villains off him with ease. They screamed in pain as his fire burnt them. It was white hot, and getting hotter. He marched up to the one from earlier, grabbing the man by the neck and his mind focused on one thing:
Making that motherfucker pay.
The man scrambled to wrench himself from the demons grasp as his jaw fell apart grotesquely. The rotting skin was turned to ashes as was the healthy skin. Soon, the man was nothing more than dust in the wind. The Demon turned his glare to the other villains, his aura reeking pure bloodlust. He tipped his head and grinned maniacally, as if saying 'who's next?"
The villains scrambled back to their portal, with the blue one yelling something.
The portal closed, Shura came into veiw, with exorcists and Mephisto running behind her, and Rin passed out.

Okumura Rin: the demon heroKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat