chapter 14

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This is just bronze dofe core tbh
Also TW for a panic attack, I'll put a ⚠️ at the beginning and end👍

"Rise and shine lovebirds!" Minn and izumo marched into the room, throwing open the curtains and letting light spill in through the window.

"Jesus fucking christ, what the fuck do you two think you're doing?" Katsuki groaned and then yawned, squeezing his arms around Rin like the other boy was a teddy bear.

"Have you two seriously not packed yet?" Izumo stood in front of the bed,hands on hips while mina dragged a large suitcase out of the wardrobe.
"Packed for what-" Rin slurred, using his duvet to try and sheild him from the sunlight. Then it hit him (literally, Izumo threw a pillow at him) Mephisto had organised a camping trip so everyone could get to know eachother. Bit cliche, he thought.
"Yep yep i geddit now fuck off," Katsuki groaned, raising his arm out of their duvet/pillow mess and gave both girls the bird.
"Fine we're leaving! But if you aren't up in 20 Yukio's coming in!"

They were up in ten.

Bakugou and Rin trudged down the stairs to a breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast, baked tomatoes and hash browns. Everyone ate quickly and eagerly waited outside the gates for yukio.a few minutes later, he arrived.

"Has everyone got their suitcases, lunch and a waterbottle?"

"Yes sensei" the class chorused.

"Get into partners and wait for the bus quietly, your partner will be in the same tent as you and sit next to you on the bus so choose wisely"

There was a scramble and a loud bout of chattering voices while everybody moved around trying to find a partner.(remember only the bakusquad came so the whole class isn't there)


Izumo-mina-shiemi(because shiemi would have to stay with a boy otherwise)




Yukio and shura get their own tents

At exactly 8 am a large yellow bus arrived at the school entrance, eagerly the students rushed in, trying to get to the back seats, bakugou and rin managed to get a seat right at the back,far away from the teachers.

"Denki, my phone is flat!" mina held up her phone and gestured to kaminari

"No it's not, look-its at least a centimeter thick!" Kaminari smirked and Mina playfully hit him on the back of the head

The bus was filled with giggles  before they were interrupted by Shura getting up and properly introducing herself, no one had noticed that she had entered the bus except Yukio, and she was enjoying the confused look on their faces quite a lot.

"Im Shura, just call me sensi or miss, if you see me drinking on the job- no you did not. Try not to die this weekend."

"Shura ,sit down please" Yukio looked exasperated as he continued to drive .

Three hours later---
(read this in the spongebob guy voice or else)

The sun had set by the time they got to the campsite so after getting off the bus they were immediately assigned their jobs, Rin and Katsuki were collecting wood as they were the strongest so they put on their jackets, grabbed a torch and set off into the woods. They had been walking for about 20 minutes and nearly had enough wood for the night when Kasukir stopped.

"Hey Kat, what's wrong, you good?" Rin questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I didn't say earlier incase we were overheard but- who do you think attacked you with a Nomu? what if they do it again? Normally i would bet on the LOV but they shouldn't know who you are.." his voice cracked a bit and he turned around.

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