chapter 3-transfered

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Man boobs> woman boobs


"Rin!" Yukio called, sounding exasperated as hell.

"It's too earlyy," Rin whined as he dragged his sorry ass out of bed and begudgingly started to throw some clothes into
hie battered red suitcase. He had overslept, yet again.
"What the hell Rin, you're leaving in an hour and you still haven't packed, how the hell are you going to survive without me!"

"bloody hell Yukio, lay off me already, It's like 7 in the morning,"
If you haven't noticed already, Rin was definitely not a morning person.

"Look at the clock rin, you missed breakfast,"

He looked at the clock. The hands read 10:30 AM.

Rin yelled, rushing down stairs, whilst trying to put his shoe on and eat a breakfast bar simultaneously.
(It didn't work)

Minutes went by like seconds, and before he knew it,Mephisto was leading Rin into his office.

"So, Rin, are you ready?"

"Absolutely not sir." Rin stood to attention, doing a fake salute. It was pretty obvious, considering his shirt was done up wrong, his shoes were untied and his fly was down.
God knows what happened to his tie.

Mephisto grinned and shouted "Eins,Zwei,Drei!" while pointing a large, decorated key at the boy.
Suddenly Rin could feel all the breath being sucked out of hisbody and it was as if I were spinning through the air.
Technically, he was spinning through time and space itself.

And then, as soon as it had started. It stopped.

"What the shit Mephisto! the fuck were you thinking?" Rin looked around rubbing his forehead expecting to see his headmasters clown ass face ginning stupidly as usual but, nothing was there.

in fact, Rin wasn't even in his office anymore, but in some sort of alleyway leading off from a busy street. And the people walking down the street had all sorts of weird features from antenna to full in animal heads!

"I'm assuming you are Rin Okumura, Mephisto sent you here, did he not?

"shiii...take mushrooms" Rin refrained from swearing in front of someone he didn't know, please he was raised in a monastery, Rin had some manners.
In front of him was a short white- rat? Bear?  With a scar across it's left eye.

" hello there! I am Nezu, headmaster of UA academy, where you will be staying for the next semester, you are mr. Okumura i take it? "

"um yeah I'm Rin," so many questions were going through his head right now, but the most prevalent was simply
"What the actual fuck."

"wonderful, follow me."

'Nezu' led Rin out of the alleyway and into a large H-shaped building. It was huge, and covered in shining glass panels.
Certainly not as impressive as true cross but still pretty cool.

Eventually, they arrived to a smaller, on campus, building named "heights alliance."
"The students hear have already been here for a term and all live in the school dorms. Unfortunately we couldn't build another dorm just for you, so you will be roomates with mr. Bakugou. I'm sure the students can show you around. Good day!"
And with that, Rin was left alone.

He nervously opened the door and sighed, thankfully the common room was empty.
It was a nice building, clearly lived in.
Maybe this wouldn't be too bad, Rin just hoped this 'Bakugou' guy was nice.

Literally so excited to re-write this

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