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The pro heroes ran out just in time to see rin okumura, engulfed in blue flames, bring down a huge nomu. The teachers who already knew tried to get class 1-A back to their dorms while the pro's who didn't started interrogating Rin, no normal 16 year old just fights a nomu and wins.

"What are you?"

"Is that your quirk?"

"That was incredibly dangerous!"

They made it very hard for him to explain anything- luckily, just in time, mephisto appeared.

He was strutting across the black concrete in his dog form with a high and mighty look on his face. "Eins,Zwei,Drei!" *poof* in a cloud of pink and glitter he transformed behind the heroes.Mephisto smirked and then walked up to rin

"Tch,tch what am i going to do with you brother." he twirled his cape to face the adults and calmly explained what and who rin was. They looked at him flabbergasted(i love that word)- mouths practically on the floor, eyes staring at rin. Okumura just waved awkwardly.

"Yes kat?"
Rin gave the teachers a shit eating grin, waved to his brothers and ran back to the dorms.

Unable to explain the nights events properly, Aizawa had asked nezu who thought it was okay to reveal Rin's identity.

He walked back into the dorm, waving awkwardly to Bakugo but not really knowing what to do
"Hey Okumura! Are you really a demon?" Midoriya asked, probably itching to start taking notes.

"Yup- well half demon at least. Although i suppose the half doesn't count much when you're the son of satan."

"Wait-SATAN? WOAH!" Denki exclaimed, making Rin chuckle. He was so worried about his classmates hating him but they were being so nice, and finally his best friends knew his biggest secret, he could be himself around them now.
As the room settled into comfortable conver, Aizawa looked at the time.
"RIGHT HELLSPAWN, yes all of you not just Rin, BED, NOW!" He yelled- it was three am and god he wanted to go to sleep.
Bakugo and Rin walked up to their dorm and flopped onto their bed- too exhausted to change clothes.
Bakugo snaked his arms lazily around his boyfriends waist, snuggling his face into the crook of the others neck
"night loser," he mumbled
"night dumbass,"

Meanwhile at true cross....

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE TO ANOTHER DIMENSION?!" Arthur Auguste Angel shouted angrily to his informants. They had been trying to find the spawn of satan for a week and he wasn't even in their world anymore!
"Find Mephisto and force him to send us there, by the end of the month- that demon's head will be on a spike," he sat down on his fancy chair and sighed- he was going to kill Rin okumura.

Okumura Rin: the demon heroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang