Chapter 8-the truth

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After seeing- whatever that was, Bakugou has noticed that Rin had been more subdued lately. Ever so slightly quieter.
He was also becoming increasingly paranoid, double checking the windows and doord were locked multiple times an hour and always looking behind him- as if he was being watched.
Maybe he was worried about the whole 'vatican' situation? Bakugou didn't know.

Finally- when they had gotten a quiet moment in their dorm when neither was doing anything important, he confronted Rin.

"I heard your conversation with those two weirdos the other day." he stated as Rin stared at him, shocked.

"Care to explain?"
"I-um," Rin stuttered, lost for words.
"I can't tell you."

"Why the hell not fuckwit? You don't trust me or something?" Bakugou raised his voice, not understanding why Rin couldn't just tell him the truth.

"I-its more complicated than that Bakugou and i can't just tell you."

"Fine. Be a cryptic freak for all i care."
Bakugo threw his hands up in frustration and stormed out of the room.
Tears pricked the edges of Rin's eyes. He wanted to tell Bakugou he really did but.
What if Bakugou thought he was a monster? He couldn't loose anyone else.
A few hours later, Bakugou had calmed down slightly. He probably shouldn't have blown up like that - but it was frustrated to feel like he wasn't trusted. Nonetheless, he pushed down his pride and went to knock on the door of their dorm.
"Oi, Okumura. I guess im sorry for shouting n shit. Can i come in?"

A soft 'yeah' was heard from inside, so Bakugou opened the door to fin Rin curled up underneath a pile of blankets. It was a nest- like structure and you could barely see the boy lying within. Something black was laid over his torso and it lazily swished back and forth. Was that a tail?

Bakugou sat down on the edge of the 'nest', looking at Rin for encouragement.
"Should i question that?" he said, gesturing to the tail.
A moment of pregnant silence
"Can you, come closer? M'cold." Rin mumbled, shuffling over to make room for two. Bakugou awkwardly positioned himself so he was in the 'nest' structure, back against the wall. Rin was clearly tired, and his voice was slightly hoarse from crying. The boy laid his head down on Bakugou's lap, knees tucked into a fetal position.

"Sorry for making you mad. I know im not the easiest person to talk to sometimes."

"Hah? Why the fuck are you apologising nerd?" Bakugou flicked Rin's forehead.

"Sorry for prying into shit and blowing up. I was just worried that you didn't trust me i guess."
He started fiddling with Rin's soft spikes of hair, trying to collect himself.
" i do trust you. But if I told you you might see me differently."

"Nothing could do that. You'll always be a shitty nerd with weird teeth. Nothing you say could change that."
Rin chuckled at the brash language.
"I'll tell you, but later. I just wanna stay here a while."

And they did stay like that, both leaning into eachothers presence and warmth.

"Oi shithead get up, i can't feel my legs."
Rin made an indignant huff, and moved so that he wa leaning against the others shoulder instead.
"Is that better?" he looked at Bakugou, noticing just how red and intoxicating his eyes were.

"Yeah.." they both stared at eachother for what felt like an eternity, until Bakugou gripped the front of Rin's shirt in his fist, pulled the boy forward and into a kiss.
Rin didn't know what to do, so he kissed back.
Neither had much experience, and teeth clanked and tongues were intertwined. It was inexperienced, messy. But it was great.
Rin felt as if he was on cloud 9, and never wanted to come down.

Bakugou snaked his arms around the others waist, hands running beneath the fabric of Rin's t-shirt and along his back, eliciting a surprised whine from the boy.
They seperated, gasping for breath. And Bakugou realised just how beautiful Rin was.
His dark blue hair was messed up, and his lips had become red and puffy, to match his furiously blushing face that now sported a dazed and surprised look.

"Shut your mouth nerd, you'll catch flies."
"Oh my god."
Rin ™.exe has stopped working.
"You kissed me."

"And I'd fuckin do it again nerd."

"So does this mean we are-"

"Dating? If you want."

"Yes, i will marry you."
Bakugou snorted and ruffled Rin's hair

- - -
They were cuddling on Rin's bed, watching a film, when Rin tapped Bakugou's arm.
"Hey um- you still wanna know what happened earlier in the hall?"

"Fuck yeah," Bakugou replied, his curiosity killing him.

"So basically,
I'm the son of satan- a half demon prince if you will. And the Vatican who are kinda like the big bossess of the Exorcist community don't like me and are trying to kill me so my half brothers, Mephisto and Amaimon sent me to another universe- here- to keep me safe whilst they work stuff out politically. "

"Oh wow,"
Rin internally panicked, oh god he was right! Bakugou hated him!
"Thats so fucken cool- apart from 'Exorcists' or whatever tryna kill you."
At this, Rin teared up a little, which soon turned into full in sobbing as he threw himself at his new boyfriend, squeezing Bakugou in a rib-crushing hug.
He was accepted, finally! Someone who didn't see him differently, who saw his powers as cool!
"Just one question - is that a real tail or are you just a furry?"

Katsuki got hit for that.

I definitely did not cry writing this because i definitely did not relate to it in a transmasc way at all.

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