Y/n's sick day

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Today I woke up feeling like I was gonna puke. I made it off my bed and started to walk towards where mama Sora usually is. It felt like an eternity getting over to the couch. I got over to it and saw her. To her perspective my cheeks were more red then usual. I tried getting on the couch but even that was a challenge. I eventually gave up and sat on the ground. Sora picked me up and asked are you feeling ok honey. I shook my head I told mama Sora I don't feel so great. She put her hand on my forehead hand I was running a fever. She just held me in her arms cradling me she tried to use magic on me but it didn't do anything. I tried to get up laid me back down and said your sick your not going anywhere. I said yes mama. I saw her get off the couch and called for mommy senko and mother shino I heard her say that y/n is sick. I didn't want to lay down I began to get off the couch but fell on my rear end. I picked myself off the ground and started to walk over to them I was standing in the middle of all three of them they looked down at me and to them I looked like a zombie. I tugged on mommy senko and said I'm hungry mommy. She said your mother shino will give you a bath and I'll make you some of my famous soup. I nodded and walked slowly to mother shino and raised up my arms slowly. She picked me up and brought me to the hot spring. She fully undressed me as well as herself and carried me into the hot spring. I was laying my head on her shoulder. She stared to wash my back gently. I felt like complete crap and asked me to raise my head I wasn't in the mood to argue. But I kept laying my head on her shoulder. She washed my hair while I was laying on her shoulder. She got out and put on her clothes and got me into a onesie. It was a kitsune onesie. She picked me up and started to carry me to where mama Sora was. She was on my bed waiting for me mother shino handed me to mama Sora she laid me on my bed and put a warm blanket on me she put a damp rag on my head to try to make me at least a little better. She felt my head and it was warmer then before I started to cough violently. Sora levitated a glass of water to me and I drank it. She also levitated one of those devices to check how bad my fever is she put it in my mouth and it showed 104.4 degrees. She laid me down and tucked me in and started to sing a lullaby that I loved. I began to get tired and tried to stay awake but failed miserably. I was out cold.

Sora pov
My poor little pumpkin is sick his fever is bad. I got up and walked to the other two girls and told them what his temperature is. They were in shock at what they heard. Senko said that bad. Shino asked what we should do then. I told them we need to help him get better when I tried to use my magic on him it didn't make him feel better. Senko shino let him sleep for a little bit and then you'll be able to wake him up senko and give him the soup he needs that will help him feel better. I told them let's get into the hot spring to wash up.
-timeskip by sick little y/n laying in bed-
Soras pov
We got out of the bath and it was time for senko wake up little y/n. Senko you can wake him up to give him some food she said yes lady sora.

Senko pov
I'm concerned for y/n I made him some chicken noodle soup and I put some herbs and spices. Hey wake up sweetie time for you to eat he stirred a little bit then rubbed his eyes and sat up. He looks worse then earlier. I shook off the thought. He was look at me with his mouth open ready to feed him. I fed him spoonfuls if the food slowly and before you knew it the soup was gone he spilt some on his kitsune onesie. His face turned a little green and had a bucket next to him and he puked into it. Poor baby. He looked at me and was wobbling a bit and he said mommy will I get better. I said yes you will honey your just sick. He nodded and laid back down and went back to sleep. I got up and walked back to the kitchen and cleaned his dish. If we get sick lady Sora could easily make us better because we are all demi-gods and her magic could cure us from being sick but I'm guessing it didn't work on y/n because he's a neko. Hey senko do you think he's gonna get better I said yes shino he's immortal and he's just sick nothing too much. I walked out of the kitchen and went up to Sora and asked lady sora I think I know why your magic didn't work on y/n. She said and that is I replied and said your magic works on us because we're the same species and y/n is a neko that's why I believe your magic didn't work on him, she said that might be it.

I was sitting on my bed puking in the bucket. I had to pull through. I needed to feel better because my family is worried for my health. I tried using some magic to heal my sickness I glowed for a second and it it went out quickly. I got up from my bed and got down and started walking towards mother Sora because I had a plan. It took forever since I was extremely weak. I made it mama Sora was where I wanted her to be. I mustered up the last bit of strength and ran towards her and jumped onto the couch she looked like she was having trouble sleeping. I shook her lightly and said mama I have a plan to cure myself of this sickness. She stirred for a bit and opened her eyes to see a very sick y/n in front of her. She instantly shot up and I fell off the couch. She began to levitate me up to eye level with her. She asked why are you out of bed mister. I replied mama I got a plan to cure me of this sickness but I need your help. She asked what's your plan I told her it might hurt me for a second but I need you to take my blood and use some of your magic to infuse with it but since you can't heal me on your own my blood has some magic to it and when you stir it both mine and your magic should fuse to make an antidote. I seen senko and shino behind her listening onto my plan. Mama Sora asked are you sure because it's gonna hurt I smiled and said I've been through worst she said ok and poked me with her pipe I winced at the sudden pain but it quickly subsided. I stayed with mama Sora watching her mix my blood and her magic and it turned a light pink color she said done and handed it to me I took the lid off and drank it. The color of my skin returned and I felt better. I jumped down and ran in circles. I looked up at mama Sora, mommy senko, and mother shino and they were smiling. I flashed a big smile back at them and I said since you used some of you magic on me I believe that means when I get hurt you can heal me. Mama Sora smiled and asked how did you know that would work I smiled and said you guys were a little to loud when I was trying to sleep they turned red from embarrassment. They said sorry and I replied your fine. I started to walk away but quickly turned around and gave them all a kiss on a cheek. I jumped out of joy. I ran up to them and prounced onto mama Sora and cuddled up against her. I was rubbing my head against her motioning her to pet my hair she was confused for a minute then then picked up on what I was gesturing she started to pet me and I began to purr loudly. Today was rough and ended nicely.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now