Return to home, the nightmare, and about to go through heat

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Sora looked at me as well as the others. I was tired somewhat. Sora picked me up and gave me a piggyback ride. We walked through the portal back into the safe haven. When we made it through the playground was removed leaving more space on the floor. Some reasons there were shivers going down my spine when I tried to move I couldn't. The others looked at me but the one that was most interested was Sora. I looked down at my feet and the shivers were gone. Sora came over and she mumbled is he one of those 1 and a 1000000000 chance kinds. I felt the temperature changed and suddenly I was cold and there was heat keeping me warm and then it got extremely hot and my body cooled down quickly mommy senko, mother shino, and mama Sora were whispering to each other. She sent a lightning bolt at me and I only absorbed it. It kinda tickled. I laughed. Mama Sora came over and poked me her hair puffed up. She groomed herself and said y/n your really special. They all ran over to me and was tossing me as if I was a ball. They all caught me. But all three of them held their arm and apologized to me. I gave them a cheeky smile and said don't worry about it. They all looked at me in shock at my sudden response. Sora came over to me and said your not mad or anything? I said nope I'm not because I'm a kitsune like all three of you! I smiled. I ran over to mommy senko and tackled her both of us hitting the ground. Sora and shino was taken back by the sudden reaction. Senko got up holding me and smiled at the other two and they smiled and said good to have you back sweetie. I smiled and I snuggled with all three of them. They looked at me and all crowded me. I have little to none control of my new found powers. I mean I grew a foot due to me transformation but I'm still smaller then them. Which I was pouting on the inside. Sora noticed some darkness coming of me and she came over and held my hand and told senko and shino to find something to do while she talks with me for a moment. They nodded and left to do their own thing she brought me over to her couch and sat on it and asked me to sit with her. I hopped on and laid my head on her chest. She asked what's wrong y/n? I tried to play it off and said nothing mama Sora. She didn't buy it and poked me with her pipe. All my negative emotions that I thought I could hide came up to the surface. I looked at her with eyes that showed I was not ok and I held my hand out and she took it. I laid my head in the crook of her neck and she poked me with her pipe again and holding my emotions were getting more obvious that I wasn't ok the third time I did it I broke completely. I was sobbing uncontrollably and nonstop I believe the others wondered if I was ok because I heard murmurs. The darkness kept coming and going as they pleased. Sora was rubbing my back gently and senko and shino would rub my head and when shino went to let go I put her hand back on my head. Sora said can we talk about it yet. I just kept crying and it felt like the whole universe wasn't a burden anymore. She was rubbing my back and senko would try to loosen up my muscles I was extremely tensed. This went on for about 5 hours until I was only whimpering. Mama Sora said can we talk. I nodded and I explained what all the negative feelings I have felt. She looked generally concerned. I hugged her and tried to stand but my legs were numb I fell and crashed into the ground. Sora picked me up and checked if I was hurt i had some minor bruises and one major which my hand had a gash in it. My eyes watered up while I was looking at mama Sora. She knew I was feeling pain and my eyes proved it. There was blood all over my hand I screamed at last and shino and senko rushed in and seen the gash on my hand mommy senko told mother shino to get same bandages and some proxide. Shino rushed back and Sora was shushing me trying to calm me down but my hand was proving that I was in severe pain. Mommy senko walked over to me and said let me see your hand. She wiped the blood off and shino was able to put the bandages but she put them on too tight I winced in major pain and mommy senko smacked shino and Sora fixed them where they weren't too tight or too lose. Senko was pulling on shino's ears and it became a kitsune fight in the end Sora whistled and they both knew they were in trouble. Sora went to punish them but I felt cold and she was immobile she looked at me and I was extremely warm and the shine became colder. Senko and shino were cold. I felt Sora wrap her tails around me and I was beginning to feel warm and the temperature regulated. Sora went to get up but I grabbed her robe and I said in a cute voice pwese don't punish them that's not nice mama Sora so can you pwease not punish mommy and mother. She looked at me and I was giving her the cutsie eyes. She said ok baby I won't can you cuddle with mama more. I nodded and got more comfortable and I laid my head on her chest if I got to say they were massive melon looking. I grabbed one of her tails and she moaned and was taking back from the sudden touch and saw me wrap myself up in one of her tails. She saw me and decided to tease me and cupped my ears and rub my ears in circles I moaned lightly and was now currently covering my ears and puffing out my cheeks at mama Sora. She chuckled and senko said that was very adorable and shino announced THE GREAT SHINO AGREES! I was still puffing out my cheeks and was red from embarrassment. Sora said sorry hun but that's payback for touching my tail without permission. All I was doing was puffing out my cheeks because of pouting like an anime character I'm not sure if it's real or not. I grabbed mama Sora tail and got the same reaction I got last time but mother shino was touching my tail while mommy senko and mama Sora was rubbing my ears I was doing my best not to moan and mama Sora tapped me with her pipe and I kept letting out small moans. Mama Sora asked mother shino to use her power to see what I wanted exactly. Sora turned me around and mother shino used her power and I was in a haze and I wasn't in control of my body she was trying to get the real reason what I wanted and I said I wanted to snuggle with everyone's tail. The star formation went away quickly and the haze that was making my vision was blurry and was cleared so I can control my body again. They all blushed at me including mama Sora which she rarely does. So mama Sora carried me to my bed and they all climbed in and it seemed like mama Sora was hot or something so I made the air a little colder and she wrapped all four of her tails around me and mother shino checked again and the haze returned and I said I want my ears and tail rubbed. They all smile and the haze dissipated so they still had their tails on me but I was laying on mama Sora's chest and she rubbed my ears in circles like she did before I think she was trying to massage them but I'm extremely sensitive when people touch my ears and tail so I was moaning softly but I knew I had screwed myself over when that haze appeared so I have to bite the bullet. They were all giggling like they were enjoying massaging my tail and ears. I felt someone touch my member and that action made me jump all of a sudden. Sora picked me up and asked what happened I said someone touched my *sighs* you know what I'm saying Sora she knew exactly what I meant. I brushed it off and said which one of you too did that just give me a heads up please. Shino blushed and I knew she was the culprit. I put mama Sora's hands back on my ears and she just kept massaging them. She was smiling at my cute reactions. I grabbed her tail softly and rubbed my face against it and it was soft and cuddly. She was shocked again and just let me probably because I'm letting her rub my ears. She was smiling because my face was full of bliss. She rubbed my head and went back for my ears someone touched my woodpecker again I just let shino do her thing. Sora looked at me and seen me a with a face of pleasure a bit. I believe she was just thinking it was my ears and when she looked at shino it told a whole different story. Sora removed her tail and she seen why I had a face of pleasure. She mentally face palmed I think. Senko was looking at all three of us when she noticed that shino was going through heat and senko pulled me towards her and Sora and her went for a walk to talk I believe. I looked at senko and I hugged her all of a sudden. She was taken by suprise and she eventually returned the hug and I laid my head in the crook of her neck and she held me close and rubbed my back softly. Of course my stomach ruined the mood. She said are you hungry? I said yeah a bit but all I want to do is cuddle with you for now. She had an idea that'll help me and her. She lowered her robe and moved my face to latch on to her nip and she said go on you and drink. I nodded slowly and sucked slowly and while I was doing that she let out small moans every time I would get some milk in my mouth which was every time. She smiled and said your full of suprises and so stinking cute. I just nodded slowly and continued to drink. She in response would rub the back of my head and her tail would wrap around me and all of my tails just wrapped around her. My tails looked so badass way past my standards and passed it and she would fluff my tail and earn moans from me. I would turn red and she would smile and pinch my cheeks. She gave me a kiss on the forehead then I began to fall asleep the others yawned in agreement. They wanted to keep an eye on me just in case I had a complete meltdown.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن