Wiping y/n's memory, doing some chores, and relaxing a bit

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Sora POV
I understand why your worried Shino but he needs to get better so those nightmares stop. This has been going on for a while when he tries to sleep. I'm not worried about him being more submissive. I'm doing this for his mental and physical health. If we don't do anything he's gonna get worse and worse to the point he tries to end himself. If we want him to be healthy we do this now understand shino. You really want to make him suffer like that..... I know you don't so we have to do this so he gets better. So what do you say shino. Shino thought long and hard about it and she looked at me with a saddened expression and nodded. I made y/n look at me and I blew some smoke into his face and he yawned and was about to fall asleep but he was trying his hardest not to. He was putting up one hell of a fight against my magic so I hummed a lullaby and scratched his ears a bit but he said I have to stay awake I Have to so I don't have those nightmares. I looked at Shino and she came over and used her magic to let him fall asleep but he wasn't having it. I had an idea but I don't know how the other two are gonna look at it. I turned him towards me and made him latch onto my breasts and I was still humming the lullaby and scratching his back. He was trying his hardest to pull away but I blew more smoke into his face and he stopped fighting and he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He yawned and fell asleep finally I looked at the sun and said to the other two that he was fighting over 2 hours and he finally fell asleep. They were surprised at how long he put up a fight. I looked at him and conjured his dreams onto the screen and he was running away from us but we looked different. He turned around and he got caught and he started to be beaten by his former family while we just watched and stared at him I put my forehead against his and I used some of my magic to break up those nightmares and memories of his former family and made them disappear and I looked at the screen and he was staring into a white space and his dreams were shaped around the shrine and I erased the alter egos of us from his mind and it was replaced by memories of me, Shino, and Senko and him all spending time together. He was still asleep and I kept up the magic and went deeper into his subconscious and he was in the corner shaped into a ball and I knew what this feeling that he was having it was his negative feelings of himself showing and I made it brighter and put me, Shino, and Senko in the subconscious and the area lit up and he was looking around just at the sight of the light of hope but I could tell there was more memories buried further. I forced my way further into his memories and he was screaming a bit and Shino and Senko holding him while I was helping him. This memory surprised me it was him as a newborn being put in a basket and I don't know who did this but he was dropped at the doorstep of his former family and the stranger rang the bell and ran off in the opposite direction of the house and it was thunder storming out. All I can tell is that he was crying because of the loud noises. I had to get rid of this memory but I feel like this isn't a bad memory but a memory of hope. When I got closer to the basket his kitsune ears and all of his tails were there. The door opened and there was his former mother but she didn't look so insane or anything she had clean clothing and everything. She looked around and stared right at me but it seems like she wasn't able to even notice my presence. That memory was gonna stay FOR now. I noticed another memory that was buried which when I took a look at it. It showed when he first began to be abused. This memory had to go to and now. I have to replace that with a positive memory. Probably him first meeting us. I looked at the other KEY memories and it was like when he first walked but he was being forced to walk and everything like that. Every important skill he learned was based around him being abused or hit so we have to make them to where his former parents weren't there and was replaced by us and was a positive memory. His swimming memory was to the point where is shouldn't be anywhere near his mind so I have to get rid of it but I think we all would love to teach him how to sleep so there is a major pro and a small minor con in this situation. When I looked over his memories they were all positive now and not negative. I exited his mind and he was sleeping soundly and peacefully. It was amazing what I could do to help people. His memories disappeared from the screen and placed back into his mind the negative memories were completely gone. It pretty much evaporated. He was snuggling against me for something to hold onto for support so he knows I'm with him. I looked at the others and they had a look of approval and satisfaction now. He was still holding onto me. I yawned and said I think we all deserve a well earned rest. They nodded and we walked over to OUR bed and sat on it. His tails were all out and his ears were also. I rubbed them softly and y/n had a peaceful expression on and we laid all our tails on on his small body. He smiled with glee and held them gently and pulled them closer to him. Shino yelped out of surprise but when she looked at him she smiled. It didn't hurt her it just shocked her a bit. I could here our baby purring a bit.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now