The next day and the trap

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I woke up but mother Sora is nowhere to be seen I got up from the bed I then heard shuffling under the covers. I lifted up the blanket to see senko looking up at me with a weird look. I then noticed she had nothing on I then panicked and fell out of the bed she got up with concern in her eyes. She asked are you ok sweetie. I quickly turned away because I respect her but my face is cherry red. I then seen shino wearing nothing like senko my face blushed a darker red. I then seen Sora come up and picked me up I didn't look at her because I thought she was naked like the other two she brought me face to face with her and asked me if you liked what you have seen I told her welllll I wouldn't say I like it nor dislike it I just respect women. She booped my nose and said your too innocent y/n. I whispered in her ear are they in clothes yet. She said no and their gonna be like how they are today and I shall be joining them. With a snap of her fingers her clothes came off. My face was even a darker shade of red. Just don't get any weird thoughts  and we should be peach perfect. Sora chuckled because she read my mind. She snapped her fingers again and my clothes dissolved into thin air leaving me bare naked like them. I wasn't red from blushing now I'm red from embarrassment. Why did you do this to me mother Sora? I quickly ran towards the bed hoping to hide my naked body. But I was stopped and started levitating I was embarrassed now. One because I was naked two because I'm floating in mid air while naked. I was dropped on the floor in the middle of all of them. I asked them can I take a bath. They said yes. Finally I can hide my embarrassment. We all went towards the hot spring and I jumped in the water. Senko then Sora and shino got in. The only thing above water was my head. Senko started to wash my back and Sora was using her magic to scrub my hair. Shino watched with a smug look on her face. I instantly knew this was a trap shino must've noticed because those fireballs were forming a star again. She said you don't know this is a trap y/n. My mind went hazy and my mind went blank. I went to Sora and asked if I could hold her tail. She said yes sweetie but be gentle. She waved one of her tails in front of me and I started to snuggle with it. Senko must've got jealous because she came up to me and stuck her tail in front of me for me to hold. I now had two tails in my grasp and snuggling with both. I didn't realize until 15 minutes later that shino was touching my tail. What alarted me was when I moaned. I then noticed something was up. I jumped out of the hot spring then ran around it and jumped in making sure she got wet. I got her wet then laughed her hair was drying but I got it wet again. She looked at me with a cold glare. I knew she was mad I instantly swam up to senko and grabbed onto her holding onto dear life. I was in the crook of her neck. I was only 3'4 ft tall and she was taller then me. She looked at shino and said you scared the little darling. Sora looked at her and said the same thing I was trembling in fear since she formed her fireballs. That what scared me the most the fireballs. I got out of the hot spring kinda tired they all got out after me and they followed me to the kitchen. I couldn't reach high enough to get the shrimp. So senko got onto a chair and grabbed them and started to cook. I was in awe the other two cooed at my reaction. After 10-15 minutes the shrimp was done. I followed senko to the table and she was staring to feed me. Shino said she wanted a turn so senko gave her a turn. After all the food was gone. I was thirsty I went to the fridge and opened it it had nothing to drink. I went up to Mother Sora and tapped her leg she looked down at me and said what you need pumpkin. I said I'm thirsty and there's nothing to drink. She took this opportunity to let me drink her milk. She patted for me to get onto her lap. She held her nipple out to me and told me to start drinking to be honest it was embarrassing but her milk tasted like vinalla ice cream. I kept drinking until I was full I didn't realize the other two were watching from behind her. Even if I was full I couldn't stop drinking this taste of heaven. I began to get tired but I wasn't ready to go to bed. I unlatched from her nip and I got off the couch and I started to walk to where senko was but as soon as I got to her I turned around and shino said GET HIM. I was already in a corner and they started to pin me and shino started to grab my tail while senko started to pet my ears. I was a moaning mess. They were cooing at my face reaction. I was naked. I was getting aroused from many places at once. I managed to moan out stop. They all looked at me and smiled and ok I thought I was in the clear but unfortunately not. As soon as I got up I ran towards my bed and hid under the covers they all came up to me and THANK GOD they had their clothes on now. I said thank you. They said your welcome Sora said make room because we are going to bed. I said ok. I made as much room as I can. they all got under the covers and kissed me goodnight. I was wide awake thinking. Finally I can relax today was stressful. I kept staring and I couldn't sleep all I could think about is how happy I am here then where I used to be. Sora was awake still she's just staring as me. She asked me what was wrong I told her I just can't sleep. She lended me her tail but I said no thanks all I want is to snuggle. She lifted her arm up gesturing me to come over I scooched closer and started to hug her she wrapped two tails around me and started to hum a lullaby. I'm getting tired. I eventually shut my eyes and cuddled closer to her.

Senko, Shino, sora x male neglect abused neko readerWhere stories live. Discover now