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Kyle's POV
Even if I try real hard, I can't remember anything that happened after that. Some other people came into the room and forced me to let go of Craig. But I didn't stop crying.

Then I had to call my mom to take me home, I didn't feel like driving. For god's sake, the love of my life just died, worrying about getting home is the least important!

After about three weeks, it was time for the funeral. I wasn't surprised that I was invited, probably I was one of those few people who still cared about Craig, even at his last days. Or maybe I was the only one. I could tell that his family wasn't surprised or sad, they didn't even cry. Like they knew this was gonna happen and they said their goodbyes to him years ago. They gave up on him.

I didn't cry either.

Heidi was also there, I don't know or care why. She looked sad, even cried a bit. Perhaps I treated her too harshly, all she did was helped all along and I pushed her away.

The funeral was over, everyone walked away. They continued their life like nothing happened. Only me and Heidi stayed. She waved a sad 'hello' like she only noticed now that I was there the whole time. "I miss him." She whispered really quietly, like it was a sin to say something like this. I just nodded in agreement.

"You didn't cry." Heidi spoke after a long minute of silence. But this time, silence actually felt good. "Heidi..." I turned to her. "If I would start crying again, I would never be able to stop." I said, trying to hide all the emotions I felt. Yes, it was painful. And I don't think I will be able to do it for another three years. Honestly, I have no idea what am I going to do next. How will I be able to continue to do anything like this didn't happen?

Heidi just patted me on the shoulder and slowly walked away, leaving only the two of us there. Just him and I. Me and Craig. It's been a while since the last situation like this.

I took a deep breath. "So...it's just you and me." I paused for a second, waiting for a response. "I won't ask how have you been, I guess really bad." I observed my shoes with great interest, I didn't want to look up. "I can't express it in words how much I miss you. I just really really hope you feel the same way." I paused again.

"You know, you're selfish and inpatient as fuck. If you would've waited for a little longer, I wouldn't have to struggle holding back all my tears right now." I chuckled a bit, but it just made everything more painful. "But...I cant be mad at you. No matter how stupid and creepy you are, I just can't." I pause again to gather all my thoughts. "If you want to know it, life is terrible here as well. I don't know if it's because I miss you so fucking much or life just sucks in general." I sigh, somehow with all this talking, the pain is very slowly going away. "You know, normal people will always hate weirdos like us. Back then I wanted to change, I thought that the problem was something with me, but now I realized...that it is, I am not normal, there's something wrong with me. But...I don't care, I am a weirdo. I am your weirdo."

I let out a small sob, but my urge to cry had totally disappeared. I turn around and walk away, this time, with a small smirk on my face.

"We'll see each other again, I'm sure about that." I mutter to...myself?

That night I fell asleep early. Way too early. And dreamed about a boy with a camera.

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