I've changed

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Kyle's POV

Honestly, I was scared. I asked a pretty rude question, maybe I upset him. Or at least, I would be upset if someone would ask me something like that. I quickly got on the bus and took the seat most far away from Craig.

In the big rush I didn't even notice who I sat next to, it was Heidi. Not a lot of people were on the bus other than the three of us, no one to be precise. I'm guessing from her facial expression, she was happy to see me. "Hi Kyle, what's up?" She greeted me cheerfully. I wasn't use to people treating me like that, I suppose Heidi just didn't care if I was weird or not. I was so surprised by her friendly attitude that I forgot to respond, luckily it didn't really matter for her, she began talking anyway. "Did you hear about Bebe and Clyde? It's crazy, right? I never expected them to break up." She chatted innocently. It took me some time to come up with a proper answer. "Uh...I'm not really familiar with gossip like this." All of the sudden a voice from the back joined our conversation. "It's exactly the sixth time they broke up on this week, I've been counting it." I looked back and froze again, it was Craig a few seats back, talking to us but looking out on the window.

I felt myself shiver, but looks like Heidi and I had totally different opinions on Craig because she didn't mind at all that he joined us. "Really? Damn, that's crazy! I mean Bebe is a bitch so I'm not really surprised...but seriously, six?! How's that even possible in just one week?" While she rambled about how many guys Bebe slept with I tried really hard not to make eye contact with Craig. This time he wasn't looking out on the window, he was staring directly at me, with an expression that said 'I'm not finished with you just yet'. I wondered what he wanted to say before we got on the bus, he was definitely mad at me, maybe he wanted to kick my ass right then and there and the only reason he's not doing it now is because Heidi is here.

"What do you think about this Kyle?" I looked up at Heidi, oh crap, did she ask something? I started to get lost in my thoughts again, right? "A-about what?" Heidi just laughed at my confused reaction. "About Stan's and Wendy's relationship, what do yuh think about them as Stan's super best friend?" She repeated the question. What do I think of them? I had to think about this, Wendy is sure a little bit overprotective and she likes being in control while Stan is so blinded with love that he would do anything for her. But I don't think they relationship can be called toxic, or maybe it is...what do I know about relationships anyway? I realized that they were still waiting for an answer, but it's too complicated to explain it in one sentence. Plus, she asked me what do I think as Stan's super best friend, but I don't think we're so close as we used to be, we're drifting away from each other.

"I...I think they're a cute couple, though Wendy can be manipulative sometimes." Of course there was much more to go on about their relationship, but I don't think anyone really cared that much, plus as I said, I know shit about relationships. "Hm...maybe. I agree with the manipulative part, Wendy can be a control maniac sometimes." Heidi said placing one of her fingers to her cheek, like she was thinking really hard.

Heidi continued talking about school drama, but her words slowly faded as I made eye contact with Craig again. He stared at me with his usual scary expression. I immediately regretted it, just as I was about to turn away he did something that really surprised me, he turned away first. I don't know if he just got bored of my view or he realized how creepy staring was.

Before I could ask anything, the bus stopped and a bunch of students got on. I noticed Stan in the crowd of students, I wanted to say hi but changed my mind. What would he even think of me if he would see me here talking to gossip girl and the local creep, well I'm sure he would just assume I'm getting even weirder. So I just sat there in silence, hoping that he wouldn't notice me.

The rest of the bus ride went normally, lucky for me Heidi is quite a chatter box so she kept me busy with her talks and didn't let me space out, even though she didn't know how much she was helping by simply being herself. Honestly I'm kinda jealous at her, she's such a nice and caring person and she's only doing this by simply being honest. While here I am, the one who has to force himself to be someone else around people. This is the only way they will accept me...

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