We don't belong here

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(I don't like this chapter, it's so hard to write in Craig POV TwT)
Craig's POV

I was sitting in class, not paying attention. Well...paying attention but not the the teacher, paying attention to the students. I carefully observed all of their movements. And why? Honestly because I had nothing better to do with my life.

I always did this, not just in class, everywhere. I knew everything about everyone in school without interacting with them, but all of this knowledge is useless. My life was still meaningless, I didn't earn anything with knowing stuff about people who I don't even care about. I felt empty on the inside, I couldn't feel any emotion towards anything. No happiness, no pain, just this blank, grey nothing.

I don't know if I would be still here if my dad doesn't gift me a camera on my last birthday. I guess we can say that photography is my only passion, the only think that I feel anything towards. It's really small and weak compared to other people's life goals, but for me, it means everything to me, literally everything, I have nothing left. But I feel like I don't need anything more than this, it's enough to keep me here and that's what matters.

Everything was okay for a few months, taking pictures and continuing to observe people during the day. When I got home, I looked at all of the pictures I took on that day and put them into the folder they belonged to. I had a folder for every student in school. I never bothered to show my pictures to anyone, they wouldn't understand and I don't think I could explain them with words or in any different way. If someone truly understands it then the person just have to look at them and they will know why am I doing this, but I highly doubt there's anyone other than me who will get it.

However lately things got a little more complicated. I usually took ten pictures of one student per day, but this almost completely changed. Now I only took about five pictures of everyone else and took hundreds of this one person. Somehow he triggered me to take a picture of him with every chance I get. This person happens to be Kyle, the Kyle who is currently in the principal's office because he broke Stan's nose before class.

I knew more about Kyle than anyone else ever, I had more pictures of him than anyone else ever. I felt like it was the same thing with him as it was with photography, I felt like he gave me a reason to live. I don't know what would happen if I could never see him again. My pictures wouldn't be perfect without him, and I really want them to be perfect, if this is the only meaning of my life then at least let's do it properly.

I wonder what Kyle's doing now, I hope they won't punish him too bad, after all he attacked Stan for a reason. If they suspend him I won't be able to see him for a week or more, what will happen to me then?! I couldn't help but feel a little worried, it's been a long time since I felt worried but at this point I'm not even surprised, I experienced so many new emotions lately that the least I can do is feel worried.

Luckily the bell rang and the class was over. I left the classroom as fast as I could and went in the direction of the principal's office, but I stopped halfway there. What will I say to him anyway? I've never talked to him before, he probably thinks I'm creepy and if I would tell him about the pictures of him in my room we would be even more scared. As I said, I can't explain my weird passion for photography with words.

I decided to stay with my usual method and just watch him after he came out of the office. I waited there for about twenty minutes. They're taking forever, maybe he already left. I was about to turn around and leave but then I heard a voice from behind me.

"Are you waiting for Kyle?" I looked down to see the short girl from the bus, Heidi. It was weird that she got along with me so well, people don't really talk to me and that's fine like that. But it was a little different with her, she didn't care if I was creepy, she saw me as she saw all the other students in school, a potential friend. "Well, me too. But I think he already left the office, if I heard right he got detention." Now this was a little more interesting, detention huh? I have to get to detention so I can be around Kyle, I already missed so much of him today, I couldn't take a single picture of him this day because he was always somewhere else.

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