I'm here

774 21 16

Kyle's POV
I think I don't even have to tell this, we broke up with Bebe after the strange incident. We didn't fight or argue, the situation was uncomfortable enough for the both of us. Be both knew that we wouldn't be able to continue our relationship like nothing happened. So me just slowly let go of each other.

I was sad, but not because I lost Bebe, but because I knew that this meant that all of my life, everything that I have been working on, all the walls I built around me over the past three years, are now crashing down. There's no turning back for me, I have nothing left in this life. My career isn't going anywhere, I'm not in a relationship, I don't think I even have friends. All that's left for me is Craig, the only person who truly means something to me.

For a few days I didn't want to go outside, I just laid in my bed all day and thought of how terrible my life really was. Or should I say, my non-existent life, since it just crashed down completely. What am I going to do? It over, it's all over. I literally have no idea what to do.

As I thought about it more, all of my thoughts ended up revolving around Craig. I thought about Heidi's visit, she said I should hurry up. But how can I make any quick decisions right now? I just lost everything. This was the first time in years when I actually let myself feel something, I felt sad, I missed Craig. I missed his dark raven hair that is very nice to mess with. I miss his delicate touches, every time he even just slightly touches me, he does it very carefully, like I'm made of glass. I miss the was he looks at me, like he's seeing the prettiest picture in a museum, it makes me feel special. Damn it, I even miss the was he walks, he's slightly stooped, but still much taller than me, he always keeps one of his hands in his pocket and he takes each step slowly, I've never really seen him in a hurry. I miss Craig.

Almost a week passed, I didn't go to work, but I hope Tweek won't fire me. But even if he would, I wouldn't care, this life it's screwed anyway. I came out of my room every once in a while to eat or use the toilet. But inside my head, I never stopped daydreaming of Craig for a second. It's like I only realized now how much I missed him over the years. All of my bottled up emotions are bursting out at once.

My first thought was to go and visit him, but I hesitated. I'm too confused right now, everything is happening so suddenly. I needed time to think, visiting him right away would've fucked up everything even more. Little did I know that I should've hit in the car as soon as Heidi gave me the address. But I was naive, I thought nothing bad could happen. I even forgot what she said to me, 'go as soon as possible or you might regret it'. I didn't even know what that meant, too bad I didn't pay more attention to it. Because what she said all became true, I did regret not going earlier...

It was almost the fifth day since I crawled in my bedroom, not coming out. I must've gotten bored because I was looking at my phone, scrolling through social media. Everyone seemed to have a great time, everyone except me. I wonder if anyone had noticed anything of what was going down in my life. Suddenly my phone buzzed, I got a message from Stan.

Hey dude, hru?

Bad, really bad. I want to drown myself in my own piss, that bad.

I'm fine.

I'm glad. Don't worry about the breakup much, Bebe is a hoe.

Thanks Stan I guess. At least he was trying to help.

Anyway, me and some friends r gunna hand out at Starks pond. I would be happy if you'd join.

I'd rather eat rat poison.

Yeah, sure. I'll come

Okay Kyle, get yourself together, do this for Stan. He wants to hang out, do this for your friend. I got out from bed, took a shower and changed my clothes. I've been wearing the same pajamas for the last four days do it was nice changing. Then I stepped outside. The weather was actually pretty nice, it was around afternoon.

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