Dear Miss (Y/N), we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts-

That's all you could read because Uncle Vernon snatched your letter and also the letter that Harry succeeded in taking. "GET OFF ME! They're my letters! Let me go! " Harry was trying to free himself from Vernon's hold.

"That's it, we are going away someplace they can't find us! " Vernon yelled, face red like never before.

"Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Dudley cried out as he looked at his father with an air of horror that almost also resembled Petunia's face.


When things calmed down, you and Harry were instructed to pack some clothes and get into the car. Although you found it a little extreme to go somewhere else, you did not question it. Once packed Vernon drove several miles away to a hotel to escape the madness happening at home. He thought he finally reached peace at the hotel, that was till many letters arrived too.

Again, you were instructed to go to the car and again Vernon spent  Everyone was sleeping well almost everyone, you and Harry stayed up. He was drawing a cake on the dirt.

"Wish Harry," he nodded his head and blew out the "candles." "Want to know what my wish is (y/n)?"

"Of course Harry"

"Well, I wish we could see what's in the letters. My other wish is to leave the Dursleys soon. It's a nightmare."

"Guess we both have the same wishes, Harry. Someday we will, I guarantee you that, " you said as you messed his hair.

There was a moment of silence until you remembered you never told Harry what was in the letter. "Hey, Harry. I think one of your wishes sort of came true"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I forgot to tell you that I was able to read a bit of the letter before Vernon took it away."

"Wait are you serious?" he sat up and listened carefully.

"Yes. What did it say? Bloody hell, I can't- oh yes. It said I had been accepted at Hogwarts and you received the same letter, so I guess you did as well."

"Hogwart? What is a Hogwarts?"

"Have no clue Harry but I feel like I've heard of it. But it sounds like a school."

"Where could it-"


A series of loud thumps cause everyone to wake up. Petunia and Vernon, who were in the other room, made their way downstairs, Vernon was holding a double-barrel gun and moved closer to the door. Feeling as you were in danger, you grabbed Harry's arm and hid behind a wall, leaving everyone else for their own. The door was soon brought down, causing Petunia to scream and revealing a very tall man.

"Sorry about that," said the tall man as he grabbed the door and put it back into place.

"I demand you leave at once." Uncle Vernon tried to say in a commanding voice while also pointing a gun at him.

"Dry up Dursley, you great prune," the tall man said as he approached Vernon then grabbing the gun and bending it.

"Boy, I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry, but you're a bit more along than I would have expected. Particularly 'round the middle! Where is your sister (y/n)?" He said to Dudley, who he thought was Harry.

Dudley, scared for his life responded immediately. "I-I-I'm not Harry"

Feeling a bit safer you and Harry revealed yourselves to the tall man. "I'm Harry and this is my sister, (y/n)"

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