"Okay, can we go already?" Dudley became angry as you were all still at home. You started walking towards the car until Uncle Vernon approached you and Harry, locking the door as you were about to get into the car. "I'm warning you both. Any funny business from either of you and both of you won't be having meals for a week" You both nodded and started getting into the car.

You knew he was still upset with you and Harry after you two broke all the frames last week. Be that as it may, neither you nor Harry broke them, the frameworks broke themselves as your blood boiled in anger. It was as if it were magic. Of course, Uncle Vernon didn't believe you two and was convinced that you and Harry smashed all the frames out of anger.

"We're here!" Dudley screamed and your head snapped to face him as you came to reality.

Everyone exited the car and began to go to the zoo. Approximately one hour in Dudley asked to go to the reptile house, his request was of course answered immediately. Everybody was watching a snake when Dudley started yelling and hitting the glass hard enough because he wanted it to move.

"He's asleep" you snapped at Dudley.

"He's boring"

"Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like to be lying there every day, having people press their ugly faces in on you." Harry began speaking to the serpent after Dudley left. Shocking, the serpent looked up to look at Harry. "Can you hear me?" The serpent shook his head in reply. "It's just...I've never talked to a snake before. Do you...I mean...do you talk to people often...no?...You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there, do you miss your family?"

"Harry, he was brought up in captivity," you pointed to the sign close to the environment.

"I see. That's us as well. We never got to know our parents.

"How long have you had the ability to communicate with snakes?" You joked.

"I had no idea-"

"MUMMY! DAD! COME HERE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS SNAKE IS DOING," Dudley screamed and ran and pushed Harry one more time, causing him to fall.
You got to Harry, who looked mad, but before you could ask him if he was all right, you heard a splash. You looked back to see Dudley in the snake environment as the snake began to escape.

"Did you just..you know make the glass disappear? Or is it simply my imagination?"

"I think so. I mean I thought about it happened, so yes."

"I wonder if can do that too, hold on."

You closed your eyes and thought about Dudley being trapped in the environment. Once you opened your eyes, the glass came back, trapping Dudley inside.

"Wicked," you muttered.

"MUM, HELP! HELP ME! " Dudley exclaimed, banging on the window to draw his parents' attention. Once their attention was caught, Uncle Vernon turned to look at you both, seeing you two grin made him jump to the conclusion that you two did it. Which you did, how did you do though? You weren't exactly sure.

When you arrived home, Petunia brought Dudley into the living room to keep him warm. While that was going on, Vernon shoves you inside and asked you what happened. Harry went on to explain that the glass just disappeared. "It was as if it were magic," said Harry, when Uncle Vernon approached his face.

"There is no such thing as magic," he replied before pressing Harry into the closet and then turning his attention to you. "And you're going to your room NOW!" You did it without hesitation. You were sitting in your bed trying to deal with everything that had happened.

secrets : george weasley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now