Chapter 17

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“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit

And some few minutes later he sat
beside her on the bed and took care of
her the whole night.... She, not even
for a moment let his hand go... She felt
safe with him beside her...even in an
unconscious state he had this impact on
her...he made her feel safe Made her
believe that indeed everything was  okay...
This was the power they had over
eachother... They could make each other
feel things that no one ever could.. Even
though they barely knew each other at
this point... But still they could feel that
connection they had... Which they never
felt was there. But deep inside it was ...
Waiting for the right moment to hit them.


I woke up with a slight headache the next day as i felt sunlight piercing through my skin and heat radiating off my body and before I could decipher where I was or why I was here I tried to lift myself up to close those god damn curtains.... ugghhh why the hell can't they just stay closed... and well repeating it 'tried' was the keyword
here because i wasn't successful... i felt
my head bump into someone's broad
shoulders whuch rested near my head...
and that's when i realised that Sidharth
Shukla was here with me... leaning onto
me a bit and in a half straight and very
uncomfortable position sleeping with his one hand lying losely onto my stomach...

I very cautiously slipped out of his grip
only to see that I am still in my dress from last night....and that's when the events from last night hit me... the flashes of all that happened yesterday came crashing back..the conversation, the drinking part, the dance and then the fight.... THE FIGHT! Damnnn, it must have caused a scene over there.. but what happeneed after that? The last l remember is getting into his car with him and dozing off.... ohh godd,I  shouldn't have drink this much, what if
said something I shouldn't have? Shitt shitt shittt!!! Last night was such a blunder... my head will explode with this much of unanswered questions!

I moved to the bathroom to wash my face and got back in my senses.... after
washing my face as I felt a bit better,
I found a spare brush on the shelf and
helped myself with it as I walked out of
the bathroom, I felt the heat rushing in
back and dizziness taking over me again, I silently slipped back in the bed as my head started aching again...only this time to find Sicdharth sleeping comfortably on the bed.... his lips slightly parted as he took deep breaths, and his shiny black hair covering his forehead... his face glowing from the sunlight, It would be an understatement if I say that I am not enjoy the sight in front can someone look so breathtaking even when asleep? I kept staring at him he looked even more beautiful up close....I don't know why I kind of envied those pillows which lay firmly gripped by his long muscular arms.I had this strong urge inside of me that just wanted to hold him close and confide in him.... To let him in , I don't let people in.... But with him even the most wrong things felt right.
And with these thoughts I drifted into
sleep again... holding him close.... Forgetting everyone and everything....Just feeling him beside me.

Waking up after what feels like hours after a heavenly sleep I saw Sidharth exiting the washroom with only a towel around his torso and water droplets making their way down his bare chest and running further down his torso , I shut my eyes close at the sight and turned my face away to hide my embarassment of impolitely staring at him that way.... But I couldn't help it okay? I never denied the fact that he has maddeningly gorgeous features and i just couldn't keep my eyes off of him....Can someone please remind me to never ever drink again so that I don't end up this way? and when he finally got  into his senses he started "I - voh... I am sorry, I just thought you were asleep, I didn't mean--I just --  I'Il just change and come".... and I saw him leave the room hastily with a red face from the corner of my eyes and I'd be damned uf I don't say how hot he looked that way....He soon returned back with some clothes in his
hands..."Umm...Shehnaaz , uh This is one of my mom's suits, I think it could fit you... you might want to take a shower and get out of that dress,l am keeping some tablets here to which will help with your fever and your hangover....
I'll be downstairs but a maid is there outside for you if you need anything just let her know" he stated scratching the back of his head.

A habit of his that i got used to.... He mostly does this action when he's nervous or slightly unsure about something... And woah! Chill guyss I
just noticed it while we worked together okay? Nothing else!..Anyways after gulping down the meds I made my way to the bathroom to shower... the bodywash kept there was vanilla scented which was almost similar to the one I use... I think I might have to start using this one once I get smells so fresh .....

Home reminded of all the unanswered questions I had in my mind....I should probably ask him about it all.... some 20 minutes later I was ready in the light green colour suit, it did fit me
really well, it was so simple and eegant and it was soo beautiful I couldn't help but think how beautiful his mother would look in this.

(Picture of the suit Shehnaaz wore is attached below ❤️ )

I quickly got ready and settled my hair abit to look presentable at least and walked downstairs

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I quickly got ready and settled my hair a
bit to look presentable at least and walked downstairs... I was feeling fresh but still a bit weak I guess it has something to do with me having fever but its nothing I can't handle.. I saw Sidharth seated on the dining table with a newspaper in one hand and a cup
of coffe I presumed in the other one while the housekeepers settled the breakfast for us on the table.. one of the workers upon realizing my presence gestured me to come sit and I took a
seat directly opposite to him on the table and he left the newspaper and drowned the rest of his coffee in his throat while he raked his intense deep brown eyes up and down my body... not in a negative way of course....

A plate of steaming hot parathas were served before me with some orange juice "I suggest you don't have coffee abhi, juice will give you energy and help with the weakness" he stated... it was just us now, he dismissed the housekeepers for some privacy which is of course I appreciated very much..
we sat on the table in a comfortable silence... noticed that he had a frown on his face when he was reading the newspaper earlier, I decided to start
the conversation because well we definitely needed to talk about all this mess so here we go "can we talk
about all of this?" I asked him with uncertainity...
"We definitely will but have your breakfast first"..
It was almost as if he knew all of the things I wanted to ask him judging from the way he left a sigh but was delaying the conversation because he didn't know what to answer to those questions... and I know it because his eyes also speak.. his eyes convey everything he cannot,
those deep brown orbs hold so much more than he ever lets on.


Phew. So that's about it.... Do let me know what do guys think of their budding relationship and what will happen when our SidNaaz will 'talk' ? Will  what they have grow more or something will break them apart even before they meet? Would love to know what u guys are expecting....

Also , lets know each other more...
where are you all from? I'm from Delhi😁
Let me know in the comments...🥰

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Lots of love

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