Chapter 6

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"The Royal Academy was founded around the same time our wonderful Emperor, Edward De Argus Tloan Solace came to power and under his rule, this empire prospered. During his reign, our emperor himself ordained this institution as the best academy around. This academy serves the purpose of raising children of status and turning them into great role models for both commoners and nobles alike. This academy also serves the wonderful purpose of training magic users and future knights who will loyally serve the empire maintaining peace and..."

"Okay, who wrote this nonsense." Anri exclaims as she yeets the pamphlet out the window before even finishing it, "even a 5-year-old could write better propaganda than this trash."

This is how it actually happened. Some philosopher was in desperate need of money so he started going out on the streets to find any paying students who are willing to learn his theories on ethics. After this name-less philosopher kicked the bucket, his ever so loyal students compiled a book on his teachings.

Somehow this book passed around and became very popular among the commoners, nobles, and even the royal family, who would then search to find this philosopher, and hopefully give him money to fund his cause of billing a school. Ideally, the royal family would also hope many people would then follow this great philosopher's example.

Unfortunately, all they found was a skeleton and a journal of a deranged man in his 70s. To preserve this supposed philosopher's legacy and definitely not a deranged man who was in desperate need of money, the royal family founded the first two academies, one on the northern side and the other on the southern side.

Within 25 years, there were academies founded for both the nobility and the commoners alike. Which meant there were many rivalries, mostly from the commoners due to the sheer amount of academies existing in the Empire.

Unfortunately, having two academies under the royal family caused a lot of unnecessary feud and strain to the Empire's political views which caused the emperor to remove the Royal Academy located on the southern side of the empire, combined the academies, and shortly after the combination the academies, the political feud lessened tremendously.

The Royal Academy used to teach only the nobility however as time passed this custom became more relaxed and allowed a few exceptional talents. Within the academy, there are Five Departments, Scholars, Politics, Knighthood, Magecraft, and Alchemy. The students themselves are separated into Three Societies, Genius, Honors, and Upper.

The Genius Society consists of students who are at the top of their Departments. This also allows them the privilege of taking classes from other departments. The majority of the students would associate themselves with more than one Department due to the fact they were taught at a very young age by multiple tutors. Due to this reason, there was only so much information the professors could teach them.

Now you must be wondering, if there is an Upper Society does that mean there is a Lower Society? And the answer is no. Before the current Societies were formally established they were known as Genius, Upper, and Lower Societies.

The Upper Society used to be known as the Lower Society, but for an Academy built for Nobility, having to introduce yourself as someone within a Lower Society is less than appealing.

So rightfully the noble families weren't exactly too pleased to put their beloved children in a disgustingly "fit for a peasant" sounding class and complained until the Academy changed the names. The Upper Society is now called the Honor Society and the Lower Society is now called the Upper Society.

Basically, the slightly above average, the very average, and the silver-spooned useless second generation.

As for the commoners or the more pleasant-sounding title, the working class, they have their own academies that actually teaches things that will be beneficial for ones future instead of making you listen to hours and hours of useless information... and yes I do have a vendetta against schools in my past life... but could you really blame me?

Now that I've slandered every school in existence I have to go meet the Headmaster of the Royal Academy.

"Wow~ your inner thoughts are impressively inflated."

"For once in your divine existence, would you please not invade and read my thoughts, what are you, my MOM?" Anri complained to the voice invading her personal thoughts.

"No course not, it's not like I brought you into this world or gave you a name and purpose in this world." Anri could've sworn she heard the goddess rolling her eyes into oblivion. "It's not like I'm giving you advice on how to live in this world or anything."

"Whatever" Anri mutters, rolling her eyes, "so what do you want?"

"Oh I'm just here to tell you that the Headmaster's coming in 3...2...1"

As soon as Empusa said "one" the Headmaster barged into the door and started shaking Anri's hand aggressively, breaking off the mental discussion between Anri and Empusa.

"Salutations! Welcome to my Academy, I've heard so much about you from Father Cornelius from the Church of Empusa... Serena the Saint, was it?

"Yes sir?" 

"Fantastic!" the Headmaster jovially shouted out, running in circles having the time of his life.

"Forgive him, Lady Serena, the Headmaster just had his coffee break earlier, he'll hopefully be back to his usual self after a few minutes" the tired, half-dead assistant managed to explain, "while the Headmaster is on...whatever he's on I'll explain why a commoner like you can get into such a prestigious Academy like this one"

"Yes, I would like an explanation." Anri can already feel the prejudice coming from the assistant.

"Essentially the Emperor wrote a letter of recommendation to personally invite you as one of our students in the Honors Society." The assistant quickly explained then asked, "do you have any questions regarding our Academy and our students?"

"MY Academy and students" the Headmaster screamed at his assistant while standing upside down on top of the desk like a madman.

"Ugh fine... YOUR academy and students, happy!??!" the assistant exhaled annoyingly.

"Exhilarated," the Headmaster jumped with glee.

"Come with me Lady Serena, I'll give you a tour of this Academy," the assistant spoked up as she led Anri outside leaving the delirious Headmaster alone sober up.

Throughout the tour, Anri was guided to the library that was stacked to the roof with books, classrooms catered to different subjects, a cafeteria with cuisine fit for a king, and a lush garden in the courtyard for the students to breathe in its toxic fumes. Laboratories are filled with questionable entities.

"And finally here is the very sweaty training ground, Even if one's born with great innate talent. Training is still necessary..." the assistant droned on, "before the official first day back to the academy from the break, there will be a brief orientation and the top student of the Genius
Societies will give speeches for the rest of the student body."

"...and this year the representative of the Genius Society will be Lady Blanca Lefevre."

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