Chapter 13

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Nothing ruins my day more than a moron, initiating a dull courting dance within my line of vision so late into the evening.

"Your highness," Blanca greeted, attempting to sound delighted by his visit, "What a pleasant surprise to see you, I would imagine that you're far too busy with your princely duties to come visit my humble home."

"Oh come now my love, you make it sound like I never care for my subjects' well-being," Francis laughed boisterously. "You, Blanca Lefevre, is of course one of my loyal subjects, so it's only natural I've come."

"As a subject of this empire," Blanca managed to say without gagging from the cringe. "How could I allow a prince to worry about the life of the gentry?" Blanca commented, rolling her eyes disdainfully.

"How very kind of you to worry for my safety," Francis spoke proudly, "as expected of my future wife."

His ignorant view of high society is going to ruin this already weak empire.

"Of course... your highness," Blanca manages to spit out without cringing. Currently wishing she hadn't left her sturdy rope at home, she can really use it right now to bind this annoyance. Then send him off to the animal patrol.

"And I see that the Saintess is visiting your manor as well," Francis said, greeting the girl with a kiss on the hand.

How dare he actually kiss her hand! A true gentleman should kiss his own fingers when greeting an unmarried lady.

Glancing at the prince's lecherous actions, Blanca pulled Serena safely beside her away from his filthy paws.

'If you were not the crown prince, I would have removed your decorative head from your shoulders,' Blanca thought darkly, rubbing away the putrid mark on Anri's hand with a silk handkerchief. 'Should I kick him out now? He is an uninvited guest.'

"Oh my dear snowflake, are you perhaps jealous?" Francis spoke smugly. "Rest assured you're the only one for me, my dear."

"Would you like to join us in the Ruby Hall for some tea? Your Highness." Blanca begrudgingly bows, swiftly changing the subject.

"Very well." He agrees with a simple nod. "Will both beautiful ladies escort me there?"

Blanca just flashed him a smile that's not really a smile and started marching towards the Ruby Hall, dragging Saintess Serena along closely beside her, not giving him a chance to make any further insults towards them.

The Ruby Hall is one of the many rooms used to host any esteemed guests that visit the manor. Despite what the name suggests the Ruby Hall is actually one of the inferior for entertaining guests. The decorations are mediocre at best and aren't grand in size.

The Diamond Hall is unanimously agreed to be the finest for entertaining guests, known for hosting many Emperors on their visit.

Only Blanca disagrees with this 'unanimous' decision. In her opinion, the Emerald Hall is better in comparison. The decorations are simple yet pleasing. Walls lined in wallpaper that doesn't clash, with bold flowers decorating the tables, and the most comfortable chairs in the manor. The chairs are of course nowhere near as comfy as the ones at home in her room but it will suffice.

Well versed in the noble etiquette they allowed Francis to choose his seating first, To no one's surprise, he chose the one in the center. It was probably beaten into his head since birth that everything revolves around him, which also explains why he has such a low amount of brain cells.

Victor followed and chose the seat to his right. Blanca also with no sign of pausing chose her seat. She made sure that there's at least one seat worth of space between herself and the prince. No, it's not because she can't stand his face, the reason is that she can't stand his face. Also because he's contaminating her air with his stupidity.

I refused the crown prince's proposal because I'm gay!Where stories live. Discover now