Chapter 9

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After the afternoon gathering, everyone dispersed to continue their individual activities and duties. Blanca elegantly dragged herself back to the manor, flopping onto her silken sheets, and burying her face into the soft fluffy pillows

"Claire!" Blanca shouted towards her door.

The door immediately opened and in came a well-posed mannequin dressed in a maid's uniform.

Oh, wait my mistake, that's just Claire.

I swear with her pale flawless skin and straight back, if she just stood there like that perfectly still and never opened her mouth to scold me, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Yes m'lady?" she asked, awaiting her order.

"I need someone to rant to, so just pretend to be a wall and just listen," Blanca told her. "Also this has to be a secret so don't tell anyone."

Claire nodded understanding her orders.

"Honestly though if I wanted to really keep this a secret I would have written it down and burned it afterward. But I feel like my wrist is just killing me today from all that paperwork." Blanca whined massaging her wrist. "Which was supposed to be the President's job."

"I swear that guy thinks he can just dump the task on to the rest of us because he's the crown prince." She grumbles then in a mocking voice she continues her tantrum. "Oh look at me I'm abusing my status and making my underlings do all the work, WHAT? You're not my underling? Well, maybe my cringe worthy ugly face can 'charm' you into reconsidering."

"Insulting the imperial family will get you-"

"Not now Claire. I'm monologuing." Blanca said, raising a hand to stop her. "Just listen."

Claire nodded in response, again.

"You see I don't expect much from the academy, they have rules and stuff but who's really enforcing them." Blanca crossed her arms with a huff. "Did you say the Imperial Family? Oh what a coincidence, Mr. Student-Council-President is going to be the next emperor."

"This country is doomed." Blanca finished with a sigh. She looked towards her maid, "You can talk now."

Claire nodded for the third time.


Her maid proceeded to clear her throat then opened her mouth, "Insulting the Imperial family will get you nowhere."

"Claire!" Blanca exclaims in frustration.

"My lady, I'm not in a position where I can carefreely throw shade at the ruler of this empire without getting their head chopped off at the nearest gallow." Claire shook her head with a frown on her face. "Even with your protection and status, it's not enough to escape the situation unscathed."

Blanca just sighed and faceplant into one of her many fluffy pillows.

"You did well, for not accidentally killing anyone," Claire said her words of comfort.

"Well of course not, I'm not a moron." Blanca turned to her sides, rolling her eyes. "I know how to do that on purpose."


"Maybe I should just abuse my power and have Amelia finish the speech for me."

"Do you really want to risk your friendship over something like this," Claire asks.

"Fine how about you write it?"

"That is not within my abilities," Claire responds swiftly.

"It's fine," Blanca smiles. "I've already finished."

I refused the crown prince's proposal because I'm gay!Where stories live. Discover now