Chapter 10

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"And here is the room where all the students can educate themselves on being the perfect model citizens of our wonderful Empire"

Anri scanned the interior of the classroom she had already visited a week ago, slowly tuning out the sounds of propaganda coming out of the crown prince's mouth.

This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Anri mentally rolled her eyes. I should've politely refused him or just jumped out the window.


"Lady Saint, shall I give you the honor of touring this FINE Academy with me?" Francis requested, lightly holding her hand.

Why the hell is THIS guy so different from the crown prince in the novel?! Prince Francis was supposed to be a talented, hardworking, charismatic leader who consistently had a cool vibe surrounding him. NOT this spoiled, smug, egotistical degenerate!!!

"No...," Noticing that her immediate answer was rather rude to the other party, Anri cleared her throat before humbly refusing him again, "I've already had a tour of this Academy earlier this week."

"I Insisted on guiding you, my dear Saint~" Francis smiled, taking Anri's hand and dragging her out of the auditorium.


"This is the Student Council Room, where all the important work that benefits the growth of this Academy is done by me, of course." Francis bragged as he brought Anri into the room, closing the door behind them.

Anri looked around the room, glancing from desk to desk that's buried under stacks of paperwork, then stared directly at the centerpiece of the office. The needlessly fancy desk where the student body president resides is completely spotless and void of any paper. Just a fancy paperweight and quills for decoration.

"I see..." Anri stated apathetically before hearing someone entering the room behind them.

"My, our Empire's heir really is accomplished." Lady Blanca spoke up from behind. "Do you swear upon your life to our Goddess Empusa that everything you've just said is the truth? It would be a shame if all your so-called accomplishments were nothing but made up lies."

Prince Francis flinched at the sight of his fiance, before frowning at her words. Well, there's nothing more awkward than being seen with another woman in front of your fiance.

"But since your highness is truly that talented you would never do that right?"

"Yes?" Prince Francis hesitantly answers.

"That's great, how about you give me a hand in sorting the Account Book." Lady Blanca suggests. "The West library just got a new shipment of books, unfortunately, more than half of them are damaged in a storm. The tower near the west wing was destroyed after a fight broke out between the mage and knights, greatly damaging the property value, causing our assets to plummet. There's also the cafeteria, the Northern Library, the maintenance of the gardens, severe shortage of wooden sticks and straw dolls, the Equestrian pens..."

Lady Blanca continues to list various other things all in one breath, as she walks towards her desk to retrieve the necessary paperwork relating to the spoken topic. Then dump it all on the prince's centerpiece furniture knocking over some decorative quills, clearing her desk in the process. "All of it is neatly detailed in this pile, so no need to fret."

Watching the sitcom unfolding in front of her, Anri was having trouble holding in her laughter.

"And one more thing, please, do let go of her hand." Blanca coldly glares at the pair and their impure handholding, causing the temperature around them to drastically decrease.

I refused the crown prince's proposal because I'm gay!Where stories live. Discover now