Chapter 21

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The word echoed in her mind, all muffled and murky as if she was underwater, drowning.


There it is... that name. It's been so long...

"MIKO!" No longer a dull vibration, the name rang through her mind in clarity. Her eyes flashed open.

"Seriously, how are you not expelled yet."

Miko lazily glanced at the person speaking to her.

"I keep this school's average afloat," Miko responds, shutting her eyes once more. She relaxes against the concrete of their school's rooftop. It was another peaceful day, the sky was bright and clear, and it was a waste to spend it in a classroom. If not for the shade and light breeze that wisps by, Miko would have already ditched school altogether.

Miko peeked over to her friends lazily. "What are you two doing cutting class?"

"As if you're not doing the same." Reiko scoffs, dropping her bag and sitting down. "Our teacher left somewhere."

"Probably a meeting." Miko offers. "I heard a commotion amongst them three floors down."

"Hm." Kouta comments, sitting down as well. "It's a study hall now."

"Fun," Miko replies dryly.

"I know right?" Reiko laughs. "It means we can do shit like this."

"Take-outs, anyone?" Kouta lifts up a plastic bag.

"You know we can leave school and walk ten feet to the nearest restaurant right?" Reiko frowns.

Kouta rolled his eyes. "How bout you say thanks to the delivery person." He points a finger at himself. "Me." Reiko stuck her tongue out in response.

As they unpack their lunch, Miko picks up a fortune cookie that fell out of the bag. "As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it." she read the quote monotonically from the tiny slip of paper.

"Damn." Reiko laughs, plopping half of the tasteless cookie into her mouth. "Lame fortune."

"What did you expect from a freebie?" Kouta cracked open the lid of his portion, as did Reiko. "Hand over some of your rice."

"Why did you order noodles if you're just gonna steal rice from us." Reiko frowns as she tilts her carton of rice towards him." He happily picks up his chopsticks and scoops up half her rice.

"Hey Hey!" She jabbed her chopsticks at him in protest, "You asked for some, not half!"

"Half is some." He clarifies grabbing the other half of Miko's fortune cookie and shoves it into his mouth. "Y'all owe me my next meal."

"You two idiots ate my fortune," Miko rolled her eyes, tossing the slip of paper aside, cracking the lid open to inspect her ten dumplings making sure the shop didn't scam her by giving her less. "And I ordered sushi."

Kouta slurps his noodles mixed with the rice. "I'm not walking an extra block for your damn sushi."

"But you can make the trip to buy ten cans of drinks." Reiko made a face at the neglected pile of tin next to them.

Kouta threw her an annoyed look before tossing a can of juice at her.

"So that freshmen you've been keeping by your side." Reiko grins, changing the subject. "She's kinda cute, wanna lend her to me," she asks, popping the lid of her juice.

"Seduce her..." Miko glances at her and shrugs. "and she's all yours."

"What about me?" Kouta asks.

Miko rolled her eyes and reached out her hand for something to drink. "After you fucked up my lunch, don't even dream of it."

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