Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)

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This conversation between me and this lad took place around March the fifth, so just about eight months ago, and I had told him that it was a reference to the same character I described above.

I know this is a fucking stupid question, but I'll ask it anyways. What is the main colour of Izuku's scales in this book?

Exactly, charcoal grey and jet black, it is an innocent play on Izuku's appearance in the book, and I'm getting some shit from some random asshole and his drama hungry, gulible, and flat out fucking stupid fans earlier today, calling me a racist bastard for it and it is seriously pissing me off now. So let me say a supposedly racist term, and you lot tell me if you think that it's really racist.

Are you ready?

Are you sat comfortably?

Are you all ready to be offended?

Have you all got one of those inflatable blow up seats to ease the butthurt you're about experience? Alright, here it is.

"Oh man, they all look the same to me right, all white people just look the same in my eyes mate."

If I say I can't tell the difference between different types of white people, is that racist of me? Let me tell you.

There's nothing racist about it, at all.

I'm willing to bet right now if I showed you three pictures of an Irish man, a Canadian and an American all in front of your faces, you wouldn't be able to tell the fucking difference between them if you tried. And why?

Because they do look alike, the same way black people look alike, the same way that Chinese, Japanese and Korean people look alike, and the same way that Indian and Pakastani people look alike.

If these black men were standing in front of you right now, I bet a hundred to one that none of you would think twice about these three black people coming from Africa, when they're actually from the Carribean islands in America. So do me a favor, will you? STOP looking into every little fucking thing and twisting it to somehow make it racist and have something to be enraged at. Not everything is racist, alright, so fucking deal with it. Again, since when did some people start becoming such sensitive little shits about this sort of thing?

Normally I wouldn't give a rats ass about someone PMing me and calling me nasty shit right, it sounds dumb, but I have to expect stuff like that, and this next bit doesn't just go for me, but for anyone who makes any kind of content online.

As an online content creator, I have to expect criticism and get back feedback, and be able to take that and not give a fuck. But when it comes to being constantly harassed by shock-value-seeking autists that are this drama hungry retard's friends/fans that don't know when the line has been crossed, to the point where I have to address this issue myself in this chapter, and even though I have never even been slightly racist in my fucking 19 years of life, this is something I just cannot let go because it's just gonna get worse and worse until I finally quit the fucking platform.

On top of all that, it's not even that bad compared to what this example of an extreme racist said in the past. Apparently, me making Ochako call Izuku her Black Prince is supposedly racist and is what's giving me all of this backlash, right?

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