Still, he wanted to taste it again. And it had been too long since he'd satisfied his addiction.

Instructing his men to pick her up, Hoseok had gleefully whisked her back to the mansion for a night of debauchery. They hadn't made it three steps up the staircase before Taehyung slithered out of the darkness like a snake, detaching her struggling form from his arms to sum up how much she was worth.

The nameless woman was in the container within hours, distraught and kicking up a fuss as he begrudgingly locked her inside with the twenty-three others.

Hoseok was pissed to say the least. He never got what he wanted; it was always Taehyung's way. But it seemed the Gods were on his side today because his little protégé was no longer bound for Russia, but shacking up with Park Jimin and co.

And judging by the way she giggled like a schoolgirl around that purple-haired twat, she was fond of them, too.

Glowering, Hoseok rolled the car out of his hiding place, watching disdainfully as Jimin and Namjoon sprang from their chairs to join the mayhem in the kitchen.

He didn't care to see any more. Their friendship was sickening.

Her name.

He wanted to know her name.


Taehyung sipped on his Château Margaux as a young waitress showed his companion to his seat.

'You're late.'

'It was a long drive,' Hoseok mumbled.

Plonking himself into the opposite chair, he flung a duffel bag onto the table, making several heads turn in displeasure as he peered through the glass wall.

'Nice,' Hoseok approved, his cold eyes scanning the metropolitan capital built on ancient green hills.

Although Taehyung had not asked for the man's opinion, he had to agree. The restaurant was a favourite of his. Not only for the breathtaking view from the high-rise floor, but because he relished in the exquisite delicacies adorning the menu.

He was also well acquainted with the owners, and intimately familiar with their lovely daughter.

'Wishing you'd worn a tie?' Taehyung smirked over the rim of his wine glass as Hoseok unzipped the bag and unloaded a pile of bric-à-brac onto his empty dinner plate. 'Come to think of it. Do you own a tie?'

'The fuck I do,' Hoseok wrinkled his nose, his eyes subtly following the swaying arse of a passing waitress.

'How are our friends doing?' Taehyung mused, taking another sip of his delicious vino as his colleague zipped up the duffel and dropped it by his feet.

'Living life to max in that dump on the beach.'

'Really, Hoseok. I thought the place looked quite charming in the photos,' Taehyung mocked as he placed his glass down to unbutton his cuffs.

Calmly adjusting his sleeves, he swept his gaze over the assortment of objects filling the dish, raising a questionable eyebrow when his eyes landed on a knitting needle and yarn.

'They also have an extra guest,' Hoseok added animatedly.

Taehyung's fingers stalled, his intrigued eyes snapping up as a billow of elation quivered in his stomach.

Had his precious girl returned?

Shifting forward a notch, Taehyung wheezed, 'Who?'

'Remember that tasty looking redhead that you stole from me last week?'

Two Worlds Apart | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now