100k MIML: Sparking Flames (NSFW/YG)

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Your relationship with Yoongi was relatively new, you had known each other for over five months, but had become official only recently. The day he asked you to be his girlfriend, you had slept together for the first time. That didn't go well, at least not from Yoongi's point of view.

Between the stress, the lack of sleep, his anxiety and depression, among others, he hadn't lasted as long as he wanted and had lost his mood because of it. He was terribly embarrassed about it and despite you trying to reassure him it was okay, he didn't feel any better about it. He was not okay with it.

Another side effect of his mental health was the fact that his libido was low to non-existent. He admittedly rarely thought about sex and he wasn't easily turned on just by anything. You had tried to make advances on him and as soon as he could tell it was sexual, he had panicked and avoided it.

Yoongi didn't want it to be disappointing again and he felt like it was out of his control, so he just gave up on the idea altogether for the time being. He was trying to find a solution of sorts not to let you down. He found you very attractive, of course, but this had absolutely nothing to do with you. It was all on him.

You had learned he had a habit of wearing nothing between the sheets. It seemed like he used to sleep like that until he had to move in with his band-mates and he had had no problem telling you about it on your first night. It was rather funny, he was shy about a lot of things, but not this.

It was late morning when you climbed on top of him as he was sleeping and woke him up. You hinted at what you wanted and he freaked out and did his absolute best for you not to pull the comforter away from him. He finally harshly told you he was not in the mood.

You retreated feeling self-conscious and he felt awful. When you started questioning yourself because of him, he hurried to try and comfort you. Yoongi told you you were everything he wanted and there was nothing wrong with you. He felt guilty about not being able to take care of your needs in every aspect, this one included.

The conversation eventually lead to him having to tell you about what was wrong with him. He couldn't have you beating yourself up over not being attractive enough to him when that was far from how he felt. He was still getting used to talking things out with you and he hadn't brought his libido up until now.

"Can I help spark your interest?" you said tracing his features with your fingers "attempt to take your mind off things, get you in the right headspace" your eyes followed your hand along his jaw as you spoke. His heartbeats sped up, but it wasn't the anxiety this time."If it's not working for you, then you tell me to stop" you looked up at him expectantly, reassuring him as you brushed his cheek with your fingertips.

As he felt the pressure ease a bit with your words, he leaned into you as he carefully placed his hands on your neck and stopped just before your lips touched. "I mean, you can try" he said in a low and husky voice before closing the space between your mouths, kissing you slowly and deeply.

You ran your hands down along the sides of his bare torso and a shiver went down his spine. He had pulled the comforter down to his waist to offer you a reassuring hug when you asked him if he liked the way you looked. You took this opportunity to push the covers further down to his hips.

He ran his tongue along your bottom lip softly wanting to deepen the kiss, but you pulled back and slowly pulled your t-shirt over your head. Yoongi stared at you with wide eyes and rosy cheeks as he saw you just with your bra, however, he didn't say anything.

You crashed your lips back on his and pressed your breasts against his chest. He laid back against the pillows bringing you down with him as he gently held onto your hips. Yoongi was anxious about this, but the fact that he could stop you if he didn't get in the mood offered him some comfort.

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