The challenge

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Peter:( This is the life, no villains, no bitching heroes, no fights and a beutiful wife who I have sex with everday, could it be any better ).

Unknowinglly Parker luck, god or fate would not refuse such a challenge.

Peter rose up from bed to make himself and his wife some food to enjoy together, he truly felt happiness for the first time in years, he can happily say that his relationship with phoneix cannot get better, for the first time in his life he felt as if their isna woman whom accepted him for whom he is and did not want him change.

After finishing dinner and setting it on the table he went to the bedroom to wake up his wife.

Peter (kissing her on lips) : love it is time to get up. The food is ready.

Phoneix : 5 more minuites, I am tired.

Peter : don't make me force you.

Phoneix responded by placing a pillow on her head and going back to sleep.

Peter: very well then I warned you.

Peter began to kiss her thighs and teasing her pussy making her hot and bothered, then he put his hand on one of her breasts and began to fondle them slowly he was pushing her more and more to the edge, when she was seconds away he stopped suddenly.

Phoneix : why did you stop.

Peter : I warned you to get up or there will be punishment, luckily for you I am feeling generous so if you get up now and finish breakfest I will continue.

Having no choice the phoneix got up to eat after the teasing of her husband. When they sat they enjoyed the delicious meal , as they ate they began to talk.

Peter : so what is on the agenda.

Phoneix : nothing but relaxation.

Peter : we could have fun in the pool

Phoneix : and by fun, you mean have sex in there.

Peter shrugged,it was true he and phoneix ever since arriving have been very physical to each other, there wasn't a room or corridor where they did not do it, he was happy but the problem is that ever since he arrived to the world he noticed his powers increase very much from his spidersense to his stamina, the problem is that he felt very horny, thankfully his wife was there happy to sate his desires.

Phoneix on the other hand had different thoughts ever since marrying her beloved she was treated like a queen by him, be pampered her ,cuddled with her but that was not the ptoblem, the problem was that she could barely keep up with him anymore in bed and she was always sore, she began to think that she should have one of the amazons satisfy her husband while she rested,it should not be hard she did notice some amazons eyeing peter with lust which made her mad but if things go on the way they are then she will be forced to share him.

After finishing the meal, peter ambushed his wife in the living room and relieaved her from his teasing which left her worn out and her appearence a mess.

Suddenly the door opened and diana came in running.

Diana: peter help we need ... what happened to you lady phoneix.

Phoneix : nothing diana I was just attacked by a rabid animal, so what do you want.

Diana : we need peter at the stadium, the olympian gods are their and zeus demands his appearence

Peter: oh come on, I thought I was done with that bastard, diana let me get dressed and we will go.

After getting dressed peter , diana, and phoneix went to the stadium were they saw the gods.

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