What ?

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After a long wait, I bring you a new chapter.

Never did superman ever think that he would have to face a super powered lois lane, one that wanted to kill him but he knew he had to restrain her.

Clark : ok lois calm down.

Lois ( evil ) : I will calm down when you are dead.
Punching him away.

Evil lois was about to go after him but a rope bound her hand.

Diana : calm down...
She could not continue as lois pulled the rope and kicked diana away.

Lois : weak how can you call yourselves heroes ?

Peter : well we help people and don't get paid so...
Shooting a web to her face.

Lois tried to remove it with her hand but it did not work so she used her heat vision to destroy the web.

Lois : insect.

Peter : archaind actually 
Then using the power of zeus he sent a lightning blast at lois sending her crashing  through some buildings.

Batman : spider man did you subdue her ?

Peter : no but it will give us a few minutes, is this really lois ?

Batman : no it was confirmed that the lois lane we know is in the daily planet.

Peter : so a clone ?

Clark : whatever she is we must get ready she is coming.

The team got ready and were on guard , a second later evil lois came using her heat vision to destroy everything.

The team was forced to help all the civilians so while peter and batman and diana helped, superman was stopping her.

Clark : please calm down, I don't want to hurt you.

Lois : but I do and then they will bring back my husband and son.
Throwing a punch at superman who dodged and hit her in the back.

Superman : sorry lois but you need yo calm down.

Lois : only when you are dead.
Quickly getting up and attacking to kill the last son of krypton.

Peter having saved the last of the civilians looked up and saw the fight was destroying the area and harming innocents.

Peter : ok that is enough.

Peter teleported behind lois and with his power stone strength hit lois with a lightning infused punch making her scream in pain.

Lois : ahhhh.

Peter did not stop as he materialized strong chains to bind her then put his hand on her head and began to read it.

In her mind


Lois : guess what clark I am pregnant.

Clark : that is great.
Giving his wife a kiss.


Seeing both die due to a kryptonite bomb on tv.



Perry : the court ruled it that way, nothing I can do.


Lois is seen injecting her husband's blood into her then passing out. When she woke up she had her husband's powers.


Lois is seen killing luthor with her heat vision.


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