Years Later

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It has been 2 years since the marriage of the queen and peter and they were a happy family, peter would help hippolyta with her work in order for her to get time to rest and relax, and he would handle the workload which earned him special rewards from his wives at night.

His relationship with diana can be considered at best ok, everytime they talked she would have a red face and not look him in the eye most of the time, but she respected him and he would help her train in hand to hand combat to not get rusty and tell her stories of his time outside of the island which left her in awe.

Unfortuanetly, she had to leave to man's word, last he heard she joined the justice leauge, a group of superheroes which saved the earth and she was highly respected member, he just hopped they don't become like the avengers,X men or fantastic four, people who only went out when the world was in danger.

He was not worried about diana, he had instelled within her the true value of heroes and taught her that she had to remain humble and help those in need.

He had given her a device that he made, if she was in trouble she would press it and he would be there.

On olympus

Aphrodite: hmm my plan is going well, soon I will get a pieace of that hunk, just a little more and my magic will work.

Im hippolyta's office.

Hippolyta sighed as she signed her paperwork, she had been feeling hornier in the past few days but peter has been there to sate her lust, the problem is that most amazons are also feeling lust and that was also no problem, they can pleasure each other, no the problem is that some amzons were eyeing her husband and she was getting requests asking for peter to satisfy them.

Hippolyta : request for peter to tie a woman with his webs and fuck her denied.

Slamming her stamp on the paper she threw it in another pile of requests similar to the last one

Hippolyta : what is wrong with the amazons, do they not remmember peter is married to me ?

Antiope then came in with another stack of pappers filled with requests. Smiling she said

Antiope: you know this is quite funny.

Hippolyta: not for me it is not, my papper work increased and I can't throw it on peter since it would be awkward and don't think I did not see you eyeing peter's butt along with other amazons.

Antiope(blushing) : you can't blame me okay, that thing is so firm and mamy can't forget his size from the consumation.

Hippolyta: I know, I am reading a list written by some on why peter should be given to them.

Antiope: you know maybe you should accept.

Hippolyta : what?

Antiope: well he is the king and it is his job to service the people, it would not be fair for only you to get a man's dick.

Hippolyta: FINE but peter will have to agree to this.

Antiope : ofcourse

Antiope leaving hippolyta's office closed the door and saw many amazons waiting for her.

Antiope: she accepted.

Cheers rang outside the office.


the amazons quickly shut up and left to prepare things for their night with peter.

Peter at home with phoneix was showering when he felt a shiver run down his spine

Peter: I feel a disturbance in the force.

Spiderman Love of AmazonsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ